Instance layering exploit

So, it works in raids?

of course it does.

Where’s the link?

The difference is, is that the party / person doing the layering exploit doesn’t get ported to the start of the dungeon. Literally, everything repops where they are standing at and they never move a inch. So Baron can be killed over and over and the group just hops layers but stays in his room…

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It’s not even a fair bet at this point. Blizzard seems to just not care about their games that much anymore or about booting exploiters, i remember back in Diablo 2 that even the most weak exploit would lead to a ban and that same thing happened early on in WoW even to high end guilds that exploited.




This is a joke right? How did this get past testing?

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Pls blizz see this first thing monday morning before more people use it in 60 content.

Can confirm that exploit is legit - it happened to me accidentally when I was aoe farming maraudon…someone invited me I accepted and the mobs respawned without me having to log out or reset.

Layering is absolute cancer in Vanilla.

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This isn’t something one would think to test and was found by complete accident. The fact this isn’t widespread and a lot of people don’t know about it is testament to the fact that this wasn’t something easy to find. It took what, thousands upon thousands of players playing for someone to discover it accidentally and get the word out. With only a few thousand beta and internal testers it’s easy to see why something like this would get missed.

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I mean to be honest a dev/business person should’ve thought about this as part of the entire layering process. Should’ve been spelled out in a story that “instances should reset a players layer” as an acceptance criteria lol


Not really. If I was doing QA on layering I would test it everywhere. Its honestly just more incompetency coming from blizzard.


layering was beyond stupid and should NEVER have been in game period. This is exactly the type of thing that guilds/groups find in open betas [and they did] then exploit the hell out of and never mention it so they can also use it when a game goes live for huge game breaking benefit for themselves. EXCEPT blizz was told many times that layering was going to open a whole bunch of loopholes, repeatable glitchs and exploits for people to abuse the hell out of and they did it anyways. this exploit 100% sits directly on blizz shoulders like many others they were told NOT to do and did it anyways.


Let’s wait for the next blue post to come saying how layering is not being abused and this is all just a myth, hint: I’ve seen it happening with my own eyes so what are they lying about.

Also can we not ignore how they initially released 3 servers (vanilla was like 50+), JUST THREE, for Classic? this was a PLANNED move to force us to use layers, by artificially creating a bottleneck of players on a small amount of servers.

Cheap move, wouldn’t be surprised if motivated by higher ups.


Layering wont brake the game at all ~ blizzard

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Sad to see this stuff going on. On the one hand…we told Blizzard this would happen. Players will find all kinds of ways to exploit a system that’s easily exploitable. So is it Blizzard’s fault for not adequately testing this system? And therefore people abusing it are just cleverly using a system that was known to be abusable.

On the other hand, screw these guys and ban them from the game? This is going above and beyond to do something they know is wrong to gain an illegitimate advantage.

Layering was cancer right from the start. Many of us said it. The sooner it’s gone the better.

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Only they are NOT running back in so it’s not the same.
Everyone gets ported to the final boss AS A STARTING POINT

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Ban the people doing this, enough of you encouraging people to exploit things by letting people get ahead with no repercussions and taking it away from those still leveling.


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