Inquisitor's Gaze is terrible

The is will be like haunt and barely anyone will use the useless thing

Yeah… I get not wanting DPS to compete with utility in the class trees, but the talent is so weak that you wonder why they even bothered.

  • [Live with weekly restarts] Inquisitor’s Gaze now casts Fel Blast more often.

  • [Live with weekly restarts] Inquisitor’s Gaze damage increased by 30%.

  • [Live with weekly restarts] Summon Soulkeeper damage increased by 30%.

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Soul keeper is still going to be trash.

IG 30% buff is kind of worthless, and really the usefulness of the ability depends entirely on how often “more often” is.

They should just make it like the annihilator talent of the fury warrior, add the damage to every spell you cast instead of just random spritz

I dont see this mentioned anywhere but if its true I can do the same fight ahead and see how it is. My gear is slightly better than it was but it should all scale the same so the IG damage should be able the same % and number of shots. Will see how much “more often” actually is