Inquisitor's Gaze is terrible

Why does it do so little damage? I just fought the Nine in LFR and used the trinket “Glyph of Assimilation” at the very end of the fight because it’s new and I forgot. It did 67.7k damage being used twice while my Gaze was up the entire fight and only did a total of 46.9k dmg counting both Fel Bolt and Fel Blast.

How…why…how did this get approved.

I used my Vulpera racial to throw the bag of tricks at them during the fight and that did 15.9k of 3 uses. 2 uses of that and it’s already above the damage of Fel Blast at 25 uses.
The entire 6min 3sec fight Fel Blast did 8.7k only shooting 25 times and Fel Bolt 38.2k of 123 casts.


Is that the eyeball thing?

If yes, then yeah it, and the summon jailer option are both heavily undertuned.

Usually people run the eye just because it’s one less button to press, even in aoe, because that’s just how irrelevant the damage from those two talents are.

They are pathetic as a capstone tbh.

If you’re talking about some other ability, sorry for ranting about the wrong one, since I don’t even remember those capstones names because of how forgettable they are.


Yeah IG is the little floating eye. I just assumed it did good damage as it’s one of the last things you can get and well…&#$@ me it really sucks compared to anything else.

You would think long drawn out fights is where it would shine. 25 shots of the 2nd ability over 6mins? What!

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When I was doing some normal raid testing, that lil fella was doing a whopping .1-.2% of my damage.

Like, I feel like if say, you forget to even use him you will never notice the difference, and that’s really bad for a capstone, or even any ability.

Hell in most situations were probably better off just grabbing a utility ability somewhere else in the tree.


That is where I currently am. Even with him on I clearly wont see any meaningful difference in pvp or open world pve as clearly the dmg over even a minute is nothing if it does nothing over 6mins.

I just took soul-link as that is of some more use even if I am not being killed in any content at the moment.

I’ll probably just play this priest instead of my afflock. it sucks but I’ve been aff since vanilla (with some xpacs skipped) and it’s always been fun. I am not liking MR and the talent tree just seems terrible and broken in a lot of places.

You know I really do not understand why blizzard gave us this ability. They removed it from mage when it was the shtty arcane familiar and mages just never picked because it was pretty garbage for dps and then they just decided to copied paste it to warlock.


whats really criminal is the damage of summon soulkeeper, a talent with just as bad damage output but requires you to actually hotkey it. i end up taking IG anyways because theres no other throughput on the warlock tree but i might sub it out for a point in profane bargain or something.

They have a habit of taking abilities from Mages that they hated and never picked and just give them to Warlocks. What was the little dumb totem thing they gave us in Legion that we would damage and half of that would go to the boss?

I will admit it was not 100% dumb as it just gave us another thing to maintain dots on during some boss fights but it was taken from Mages. Blizzard has a bad habit of giving us things no class wanted and then taking from our class to give to other classes.

I would rather that dumb totem back than this eye and MR.


I’m considering dropping IG specifically for the additional soul leech talent


If you do, you will find that mechanics really don’t apply to you any more. Sure, there are some ‘one-shot’ mechs that you’ll need to move for, but otherwise you can self-heal thru anything else.

Stack? Nah.
Spread? Not me.
Move? Nope.
Stand in fire? Sure.


Omg i remember that. Hahhhaha i think it was an afflicition talent. It was in legion.

I dont get why they keep readding something they know and had feedback on being terribly designed. Funny thing is they get feesback on how to resolved but stick their heels in and then later decide to remove it.

Both the eye and jailer are pretty badly design, well the eye they didnt change anything about it, they just removed it from mage and then copy paste it to us with some junk toy transmog.


I mean honestly even the animation/ appearance for a 2022 game of this thing is a joke. The dmg is more an insult to our talent tree being bottom of it you would think it would do something more then this


Maybe inquisitor gaze should just add 5 yrd range to spells, and 2 yards to Aoe spell radius.

That would be kinda swag tbh


My original point was going to be but a healer will yell…but most/some of the time we dont always need one. So sounds good to me, literally anything would make it better.

Add something else to it so it helps us and our pet or give it like 400% more damage.

took off inquisitor’s gaze today and immediately stopped having the issue where my darkglare would pull out of combat mobs through walls in dungeons. Isn’t listed as fixed on the patch notes so i guess the talent is just a giant liability lol


reminiscent of Mannoroth’s Fury back in MoP… i dig it…
Or maybe those are the three capstones they should add

Though i doubt they’d like to go anywhere near KJC in this day and age


Yeah, it’s terrible. I’m debating just not taking the capstone to get some value out of something else further up the tree. Using it in PvP, I get maybe 10k damage over the course of a 3 minute match. I don’t get the purpose of it.

It has a rare combination of being not fun, not useful and not interactive. I like the suggestion earlier in this post about it increasing spell range or coming with some kind of utility.


Them not allowing us to summon a full inquisitor demon is so lame. There’s absolutely no fantasy in this game anymore.


I miss kjc. mages have something similar to it now lol. 3 charges of icy floes. 10 sec of cast on the run, 3 charges, 20sec cd each charge.


Most of the stuff in the ‘Warlock’ tree are meant for non-dps stuff. Whereas, your heavy DPS hitters are in the spec tree. This was intended.