I wonder if the actual issue isn’t that they don’t want flying, but that they are stringing us along long enough to finish all the aerial view art assets. I mean I an 95% sure the end game zone no flying in Legion was more about them not wanting to do the extra work to make those zones flyable.
I disagree that we’re lucky to get it back. Blizzard tried to remove it going forward and the player backlash was so great they reversed that decision in three weeks. Blizzard can’t remove flying without bleeding massive subs.
You are not skipping content. You are getting to the content quicker, very different. They are just throwing up a nice story to sell you on why Pathfinder is a good thing.
Exactly, we aren’t ‘‘lucky’’. This was an action done by Blizzard and they bled subs and caved in trying to offer up a second option. Nothing lucky about it, maybe for them that people ended up staying.
at this point i would take “Pay 20$ get flying” over the current system (and trust me i hate cash shops)
That would only bring more outrage. A lot of people are in uproar on how many things are being done now through micro transactions.
i agree, the time gating is what gets me tho, even if they made the achieve really hard to get but included it on launch then i would have no problems
Hey so you just agreed you’d be playing less if flying was available right now? Nice incentive for blizz to add it right? /s
I have been wishing for a long time they would utilize Flight instead fighting it. Make it part of the leveling experience (had some great integration with flight in wrath). I think they are missing a lot of great opportunities by not doing it.
It was an action done by Blizz. Now, their current system is in play. But there are ways both sides can come out on this.
Flight will never be fixed until the mechanic itself is made fun. Static XYZ movement isn’t interesting.
I had flying in Legion and played just as much as I did when I didn’t have flying, so not sure what you are on about. It just cuts down globally for people to get from point a to point b but then again, please keep defending pathfinder.
I think that would make for some good content. Then at the same time there could still be some no flying zones here and there until flying is unlocked.
There has, both have settled, now you have Pathfinder. Wait till next expansion for it to change some but don’t expect peoples feed back to change their direction.
Look at it this way, they can ignore it. True. But what will there answer be if you never ask or stick it out there? I don’t know anyone who likes pathfinder.
All those trash mobs, mountains, rivers, oceans, trees, buildings, and bridges that you fly over to get to wherever it is you want to go – is content.
They are part and parcel to the game, even if you don’t have a specific need to kill those mobs. Travel is an intrinsic aspect of the “World” of warcraft. Otherwise you should just play Hearthstone where the mobs just get laid out in front of you.
I, sadly, do not believe that they actually want a solution.
I think they have found their “holy grail”, for getting players to do content they do not want to do, by leashing flying to everything from dungeons and raids to reputation grinds.
Why would they want to change that…really?
and I disagree. It is like saying driving to work is working. Once we have done the zone content (quests and exploration that make use of the world design) they are merely scenery for us to get to max level content.
There was a time when they did want flying. They did what they did as an easy “Band aid” to fix an issue that should have been fixed in a more innovative way.
Then stop saying blizzard is delaying flight for some time played metric as we all know it’s bs. You’re just proving them right repeating it.