INNoCenT UNTiL proVEn GuiLTy!

Sir, How much have you had to drink?

Ok… it’s time for you to go to bed and sober up.

And you do know that the people allowed behind those doors have cell phones too. Duhhhh. NO ONE HAS A SINGLE VIDEO?! Nothing? At all? Its been this rampant and not a single damn person thought, im going to video this next time I see it? Are you kidding me? People record airplanes thinking its a UFO, getting proof of actual abuse holy hell thats a holy grail. WTF were people doing?

Corporate America… having meetings about having meetings

Here is why. These people (pretty much all men) saw small things like “he put his arm around her and said he would marry her” and know they themselves, do these sorts of things. So, they see their own risk in this, and are doing what they can in defending them.
This is always normal here. The people that don’t understand sexual harassment and assault, (or do it under the guise of “flirting”) are scared because no one is putting up with it anymore, and they have no earthly clue how to actually interact with women in the workplace.

They also don’t understand the concept of innocent until proven guilty. It is only in the court of law, not the court of public opinion or anything else. These same people also shout about free speech when muted, banned, or such on platforms or forums, despite not knowing that only applies to repercussions from the government, and even that isn’t all powerful as there are many things you can’t say in circumstances.

Go take your soy milk, because every drop you take is a bee poisoned by the cultivation of this plant.

To be frank they all had gag orders cause of the arbitration clause. They can’t go to the police, they can’t sue, they just have to go through company policy.

It’s a sh#t thing they do to exempt employees.

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So the new woke thing to do is punish the good people at the company for the sake of a few bad apples that haven’t even been confirmed to be bad? Gotcha and you people wonder why the rest of us don’t take you nut jobs serious.

There’s a lesson here and I’m not going to be the one to figure it out.

You’ve never been into the private areas before obviously.


The bad people seem to have done most of it… only takes a few idiots to ruin the whole party.

Ben and Jerry’s Karamel Sutra

What does that have to do with not video recording sexual abuse? Do you not want people to have evidence of it so people like me cant say “allegations arent evidence”? You dont want people who sexually abuse people to be shown as the sexual abusers that they are?

Are you one of these people that doesnt want cell phones around so you can do these things? Its starting to sound that way because you are so against these people getting video evidence of it.

Yep its huge corporations protecting the predator employees and their image at the cost of their other employees. They CAN’T come out, so these people view it as “they didn’t come out soon enough so it doesn’t count” or something

If by punish you mean employees can come forward without fear of reprisal or the terrible things higher talent or status employees have done, and the company as a whole has to finally start doing what they should have.

Anyone that says “woke” in this is just admitting they are perfectly fine with sexual harassment and assault in the workplace. So…congrats.

It’s almost like you don’t know what you are talking about… and demonstrating it for anyone that actually knows what laws are.

Oh you trying to say something? Go on frog… jump.

Gross dude!

I’m sorry people forgot to record their sexual harassment for you, but based on what you said here:

You wouldn’t have believed them even if they had.

What if a different situation occurs. You’re accused heinous crime that you know you did not commit. Say you provide some evidence, (shaky at best, but evidence nontheless) that you didn’t. However this does not dissuade the masses and they side with the party/parties acussing and deem you guilty and shun you forever, even if they dont provide sufficient evidence to dispute reasonable doubt, despite the outcome of the trial that may not have occurred/finished, and may take even years to do so. Yet being treated as if it has.

You’d probobly wish you were innocent until proven guilty.

The only sheep I see are the innumerable masses who dont care about due process, and only emotion.

you are right, i wouldnt have believed them, i would know based on actual evidence which leaves no room for belief.