Innocent Collateral Damage from Goal to Prevent GRIZZLY from Scarab Lord

Stuff like this is terrible, it’s a good thing Silithis wasn’t layered so that way people could farm, turn in etc without facing endless lag or farming mafias. I think we can all agree on this.


You missed the 10h window.

Sucks, but there it is.

Just know, you will live in WoW infamy as the guy who almost became a scarab lord.

The horde were absolutely not trying to crash the server. They were trying to play the game, like us. The server just wasn’t designed to be used for an MMO I guess.

As well, Blizzard will not compensate anyone for the loss of their mount/quest simply because the only argument is the server was unplayable.

Compensating people for an unplayable server would be the same as admitting they cannot provide a quality service, which they will not do.

As someone who played with GRIZZLY when they were on Stalagg… So glad I no longer to deal with that degenerate private server guild. They mafia’d the whole server and everyone hated them. I feel for any alliance on that server.