Innocent Collateral Damage from Goal to Prevent GRIZZLY from Scarab Lord

Literally everyone on the server both alliance and horde side have hated GRIZZLY since they transferred to the server for how they have taken control of all world bosses, PVP ranks, and wiping of horde raids fully buffed. As if that wasn’t bad enough, they even abused the reporting system to get a horde Scarab Lord automatically banned during his questing for the shards. They are hated enough that the horde sat at Anachronos all day and kept him in combat while having numbers so large that the server was crashing BADLY leaving any attempt to take the zone back impossible with the amount of lag. I’m not upset at the horde for doing this, I’m honestly glad that players were finally able to stick it to GRIZZLY and let them know they cant do whatever they want anymore. What I am bothered about is the fact that everyone is just “ok” with any collateral damage done to the other innocent players going for Scarab Lord.

The argument that its just PVP is bull****, PVP wasn’t the issue, it was the terrible servers, the game was UNPLAYABLE with the amount of server lag. How hard would it have been to implement layers like other servers have??? This type of griefing is ALSO possible on a PVE server and its even worse because the opposite faction cant do anything to stop them from keeping him in combat. The horde even prevented their own faction from turning in to Anachronos as well.

These players keeping Anachronos in combat also managed to also break TOS by doing this, as its a reportable offense with the in-game ticket system. (correct me if i’m wrong, I may be)

  • Someone is intentionally disrupting the gameplay on the zone (bringing so many players to the zone that it was crashing and unplayable)
  • Another group keep killing all the mobs on the area so I cannot complete my quest (Keeping Anachronos in combat so no one, both horde or alliance could speak to him.)

One consideration would be to allow the players that had all 3 scepter shards on Tuesday to ring the gong, they did all of the work and we’re just caught in the hate the entire server has for GRIZZLY, and the hordes goal to prevent them from turning in the quest. I play with Serenity, we worked really really hard for all 3 scepter shards. We, along with several other alliance guilds and horde guilds were denied because of the immense hatred everyone collectively had towards GRIZZLY.

You cant imagine how frustrating it can be to watch almost every other server work collectively to make sure they can get as many Scarab Lords as possible. While here on Sulfuras, we fill the zone with players until the game is unplayable due to the immense lag to grief 1 person specifically, regardless of the collateral damage done to anyone else that put in TONS of hours to reach this goal.

3 Alliance guilds that hate GRIZZLY just has much as the horde do have been denied a turn in for being on the same faction as them. I believe there may be a horde guild or 2 that was also denied turning in but I don’t have a confirmation on it. There we’re a couple attempts made by the few horde that were actually working together to allow us safe passage inside to Anachronos, but the momentum of the zug zug had grown too large, and players were attacking Anachronos the instant he reset.

There was absolutely NOTHING that could be done…


Who cares.

They will live without their title.


Transfer to AR and wait it out.

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I honestly find this retaliation to be another epic event in the history of this game. Let it be remembered as other events such as the corrupted blood pandemic and Lord Kazzak in Stormwind.


Nope sorry you can blame Grizzly because any time the horde tried to let another potential alliance scarab lord through, Grizzly and Amph would just jump on it trying to sneak by.

A lot of people were trying to be nice to the other alliance guilds but Grizzly just ruined it for everybody.


Not true, a blue already adressed this.

While I understand the frustration, I think it is a huge mistake to assume that Scarab Lord was ever a garauntee on a PVP server. The quest-chain is long, and anything can happen that can prevent you from getting the mount. There’s a reason that few people ever even get it.

I think there’s also room for debate on the idea of personal server choice. Those players decided to roll on a high pop server, which means that sometimes, during widescale events like this, the servers are just going to go down. It’s comparable to a ddos. However, I still think your complaints about faulty servers are valid, but only to a certain extent. I think it would be fair to restart the war, maybe?

The issue here is proving intent. Swifty got banned for crashing servers, on the exact same premise. So it is actionable, but it is also reasonable for horde to be there for other reasons besides “lagging out” the server. Such as, WPVP, just watching the spectacle, claiming their own scarab lords, etc.

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I don’t know what action you want them to take. Are they going to ban the whole server? They can’t give scarab lord to people.


Its the ultimate exploit to intentionally abuse actiblizz’s trash servers to PREVENT any kind of PVP from happening.

99.999% of the server don’t really care that .001% of the server didn’t get the mount.


keep this trash on your realm forums

literally no one cares


Yes, getting hundreds of people in the same place with a common goal is an ‘exploit’. Suuuure. What you mean to say is that it was an impressive show of hard work and organization, and a testament to how the community came together in common cause.


It’s my understanding that there was like a 5 - 6 hour window before Grizzly was unbanned and the clown fiesta started.

Is there any reason the 3 Scarab Lord candidates didn’t turn in before then? Did horde not even bother to communicate to these guys what they had planned on doing?

If the horde on the server feel bad about it and really did it just to screw Grizzly, have they gone out of their way to compensate the other 3 with gold for their lost time investment? It really is like 50k gold per bug mount in Carapaces alone, if not more - let alone actual time put into the grind and the effort it takes to rally a guild around supporting one person.

Lastly, why is it everyone BUT those Scarab Lord candidates begging for something to be done for them? Do they care as much as you guys do about a mount? Do they really want Blizzard to get involved in their Classic experience?

On a side note, this is the kind of experience people wanted out of Classic. Tangible loss over real time investment - emotional feelings around the journey through Vanilla WoW. Seeing people fail while others succeed and continue moving forward until the cards are laid out and KT is dead. If you want an everybody wins scenario with low drama, “go to Retail” really does apply.

Horde can say they feel bad about it, alliance can say it’s unfair, but you may want to answer some of the questions I’ve asked and think long and hard about whether they’re being honest about having done everything possible to prevent only Grizzly from getting their bugs - or having done everything possible to get the bug for themselves.


I personally couldn’t turn it in earlier naamtar because I had the bad RNG of farming the ashenvale shard for 30 hours in total. I finished my whole sceptor quest line sunday night besides 1 fragment which was in ashenvale. Guilds were already farming it so I figured I would get it when they were done. I heard it was the worst RNG by far where most guilds were getting it in 4-6 hrs, but it ended up being way worse for me. Then comes monday morning when I started the grind and it just wouldn’t drop for me. The ashenvale fragment ended up dropping 2 hrs before the 10 hr war event was over. I was so relieved at the moment that I was actually going to make it in time since I only had moonglade event and BWL left at that time.

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impressive show of hard work and organization

to get 200 people to stand around for 24 hours with the intent to intentionally AVOID any kind of pvp by lagging out the server

What I’m bothered by is the fact that grizzly was even given a chance to get Scarab Lord. They should’ve been banned until the gates were open imo. Then this would’ve been a non-issue


That sucks man.

Do you want Blizzard to get involved here? Like if it came down to giving you your mount, but Grizzly gets theirs as well - would you take it?

Have you asked the horde who are contacting you now to apologize for some kind of recompense for all of your time wasted, or do you not care at this point?

What’s your take on all of this? Do you even want anything done or do you just want to move on or what?

Seeing as how its ridiculous to punish players for the game servers lagging too hard for any actual gameplay to take place, they should be allowed to continue the quest line to the very end.

I realize Activision Blizzard would have to be impartial in this decision and allow anyone under those conditions to also continue it (aka GRIZZLY), but why is it ok to screw over 4-5 people by not allowing them to even play the game from servers crashing, in order to justify screwing over 1.

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Why is it OK for Blizzard to get involved in what is demonstrably a server majority community decision?

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Noone chose to roll with GRIZZLY on sulfuras. There was a great community and then they transferred and ruined the server with their toxicity. Literally everyone on the server, alliance and horde, hates them.

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It’s a poopy situation caused by a toxic guild full of mega jerks (Grizzly)

Unfortunately I think it’s in Blizzards best interest to leave it alone and not get involved. It sucks for those who missed out, but Blizzard doing something at this point can really backfire on them.

If Blizzard ignores this and does not do anything, eventually it will go away, and a small handful of people might quit the game over it. As it stands every other server has their own problems to deal with, and most of us are just laughing at Grizzly and maybe feeling a little bad for the innocent few who could not turn in the quest.

If Blizzard intervenes, what would they do?

If they restart the war, it will piss off many people outside your server. It will set a precedent that Blizzard can do something like this and you will then get a crap ton of posts about why other servers should get their wars restarted. Of course Sulfuras is a unique situation, but it doesn’t change the fact that people will throw that in Blizzards face every chance they get.

If they give the mount reward to those few who missed out on it, then they would also have to give it to Grizzly, and that will really piss almost everyone off. Sure they can give it to everyone who was on the quest for it except for Grizzly, but I think that could cause some backlash as well and that could bite them in the behind later down the road.

I actually like the last idea, but understand why Blizzard would not do it either. It sucks for those few who missed out, I feel for them. But this is Classic server drama and should be left at that. If I was in your shoes I would be colluding in your server Discord and giving Horde the /who Grizzly details all day long. Create a Grief Grizzly channel and make their life hell. It’s outside the game, so not a damn thing Blizzard can do about it. Jerk move? Yep. Do they deserve it? Up to the Sulfuras players to decide.