Innocent Collateral Damage from Goal to Prevent GRIZZLY from Scarab Lord

Because the game wasn’t playable man, idk how else to bring that to people’s attention. Had the servers been able to handle the amount of players there without crashing, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.

If it was your investment of many many hours and tons of gold lost over something completely out of your control (servers crashing), you’d be fighting for it too.

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You can’t blame the players for lag. lmao

Blizzard literally has the tech to do something about that.

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I’d like to hear it from the actual Scarab Lord candidates, though. Keep hearing it from people who either “know a dude” or were part of their guild.

I saw what was going on, there was definitely no counterplay outside of amassing hundreds of alliance and sending in raid after raid until the horde were OOM and wiping them purely by them not being able to cast spells.

I personally would like for blizzard to get involved. I think it is huge violation of ToS, if they would have left anachronos alone and just killed anyone running up to it sure. But the fact they were intentionally pulling and holding it is what makes me the most mad. Didn’t help the servers were so laggy due to the pure amount of people spamming aeo spells.

And yes I personally believe everyone deserves to get their mount. Grizzly were in the wrong when they reported souffle, but I truely believe anyone that completed that grind in the week timeframe we had deserves to get it. It was the most emotional roller coaster I have ever been on from believing RNG was going to screw me in ashenvale to seeing the fragment drop and for it all to be for nothing at the end. I put in 120-140 hrs into the questline along with 50k total gold for buying fragments and those hours are not even including all of my guildies that all put many many hours in helping me. No the horde have not approached me at all to “repay me”. some of them apologized and that was about it.

I truely believe that a lot of the alliance are going to be out for blood if their is no action taken, there were only two horde guilds that refused to take a part of denying innocent bystanders the mount (one of them in fact was the guild of the guy banned, souffle). Souffle tried yelling at the people in discord to leave cause he knew what it felt like to be helpless and all your work potentially going to waste. Horde just got to much into the “ZUG ZUG” moment and wouldn’t even listen to the person affected by grizzly the most.


You would need to be able to play the game to actually send in raid after raid… How is so hard to understand that it was literally unplayable.

You could not resurrect.

All spells and actions had a 10 second or so delay, after which you were already dead.

Everyone was frozen running in place.

The only thing that worked, was continuously spamming blizzard and rain of fire.

Also there was more than one counter-play. Anachronos would reset every 10 minutes or so, had the server been working there was enough time to resurrect, DI/bubble, and turn in the quest.

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I have no idea what happened but to be fair Blizz would never admit that their report system can be abused in a way that a player will be banned for no real reason.
If they admit that, they will have to change it.

Personal server choice kind of goes to pot when your nearly perfect server quite literally gets invaded by a toxic troll guild. Ever since their entry, the server has been a neurotic mess. Call it what you will, the actions of a guild whose existence is to trample everything (actually, everything) without remorse should not dictate anything.

Thanks for answering.

Does Sulf not experience this type of thing on raid reset days in BRM?

Oh we have tons of BRM camping on both sides but there are ways around that. Like going through UBRS using various spots.

From my experience the brm lag and server issues are a 1/10 of what happened at anachronos. And yes we usually wipe the horde. We may lose buffs but interacting with the orb is eventually doable with some well timed, coordinated sapper charges.

Someone else may be able to better estimate but at most like 2 40 person raids camp the orb. This was 120 casters spamming aoe. And another 300-400 roaming around. I never got a full count but a horde person there claimed there were 600 total. The horde turnout was no doubt impressive. Far more impressive than the blizzards server performance. The turnout was a true testament to the hate for grizzlies.

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Because that window was from 11am-3pm on a Tuesday? They were at work?

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Hey, another one of these threads.

Only if you pay enough gold for it. So basically the same things you’re saying here.

On my server, when it’s really bad, the only way to make it through with your buffs in tact - is to send in wave after wave of proxy raids until the opposing faction is oom and wiped as a result.

Could alliance not have rode in to Tanaris from other zones en masse to mount the same kind of thing in Tanaris or what?

It’s interesting that similar numbers I’ve seen creating lag in BRM that create those situations would create such different situations in Tanaris.

Were they though? One of them said it’s because they couldn’t get the last fragment in time - which is a perfectly fine explaination.

It took my raid 10 minutes to get off the FP. People were getting stuck in the GY after dieing. It was so much lag that more people was not exactly helping.

That’s rough. Don’t think I’ve ever experienced an entire zone being lagged to where it takes 10 minutes to dismount from a flight master.

the solution for an already crashing server is not “throw more people at them”

Very well might have been, crashing the server could have opened a window - but it sounds like the lag was a lot worse than anything I’ve experienced.