Inn AFKers, "Q-dodgers"

Do you think that your total lack of knowledge is better than our actual knowlesge? to ignore the fact that pretty much everything we do in this industry has been standardized into best practices at a high level, and incidents like this launch are pretty much entirely avoidable and generally only happen in the case of major gaffes or some out of touch finance dude making the final call?

Its frustrating how little you know combined with how much conviction you have.


Yeah because hosting websites and offline storage is totally the same demand and architecture as an MMO.

See that itself is evidence that you’re not even in the same room as what Blizzard deals with in WoW.

For what? for Dropbox? Alexa? Some web apps?

They’re not even comparable to how WoW works.

I’m personally hoping the server you chose to play on becomes a ghost town down the line so I can see you whine about there being no one to play with.

I think… nay I KNOW that Blizzard is better suited to answer these questions than “Alieona” whatever that is.

You have no idea how any kind of web hosted software works at even a general level and it oozes in every post you make

Just stop


Here’s what I know… You don’t know how WoW works.

I see you are confusing application and infrastructure architecture. You see, in these day and age, you dont need servers to run anything. What if I told you, you dont need servers anymore - all your core needs, cpu, ram etc - it all sits in a huge bucket and that bucket is infinite of those resources - you can use those resources anytime you want you just pay for what you use at any given time - you limit your use and you pay less, you increase your use, you pay more. Your application leverages this through what is known as ‘server-less computing’. The bucket is infinite. there is no ‘server’ to constrain you.

Do you now understand where we are going with this and the possibilitiesn it presents


Bro i hosted wow classic private servers on my local network in 2008

Like I said, just stop. Youre legitimately ignorant and even the most basic assumptions youre making are fundamentally wrong

all of the big streamers on twitch are doing this

There’s always a bottleneck… whether in hardware or software… Call a server a physical machine or call it some virtual machine or some distribution of services over multiple physical machines with things like login servers and world servers and database servers etc etc…

Whatever the case THERE WILL ALWAYS be a bottleneck.

How arrogant to think you can sit here thousands of miles away and intelligently criticize what is in Blizzard’s data centers.

You might be surprised how much they have in common from a resource management perspective.


Well. That’s a false choice. I wouldn’t start with X servers if I was expecting 2*X to log in.

“Hey derpy derp, we’re going to have 2*X people playing this game, maybe more, in a few months what should we do?”

“Try to fix it with code. Don’t buy more hardware.”

Seems derpy.


So then how are you so foolish to sit back and act like You’re the one that can make it go when a company of the industry’s top talent “isn’t able to”.

That alone just blows me away and tells me you’re delusional.

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AKKKKSHOOALLY, those guys are working on the mobile properties, per Blizzard’s own mouthpieces.

TLDR: My gameplay is more important than yours!

If they are in they can do whatever (without going against the ToS) they want.

They are able to, someone told them not to

Go read a god damn software book. Maybe start with Scratch or something, itll be the best fit for your competency

Benediction literally launched yesterday. Give it a day. Servers that launched Monday were full on Tuesday.

If we assume the max capacity their allowing into servers at once is around 10,000 players, there were 85k players in queue in just EST PVP servers last night during peak times.

Did you see the one where the guy was like, “I have a job! I’m more important than neckbeards! Give me queue priority!”

And all of the non-crazy adults went, “Wut child?”