Ink Trader please fix

The ink trader no longer trades for Ink of the Sea (the current ink) instead it’s trading for ink we can’t even make yet. Pretty much crippling those of us trying to make glyphs for our toons


Aggrend is too busy discussing seal twisting with his preferred classic members in discord servers to deal with this. Maybe try titling the topic ‘seal twisting in cata possiblity’ in order to get the devs attention.

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It’s an absurd oversight. Please fix this!

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Just because you can’t easily trade down to the ink you need, doesn’t mean it needs to be changed in the interim.

Either buy the ink/glyphs from another player who had the foresight to stockpile, or go mill lower level herbs for the ink you need. It’s perfectly accessible, just not quite as easily as it was.

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At this point, lowbie glyphs are climbing to 500g a pop as low level mats dry up and the default currency is now the highly demanded Cata ink.

This makes glyphing an out of reach feature for new players. Such inflation should not impact a level 25 player but here we are.

Dalaran Ink Trader should NEVER have been switched out from Ink of the Sea.
Stormwind/Org trade for the new Cata ink as it is, we could have had both.

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