Infinite Falling loop Garrosh'ar Point in Jade Forest

Took Portal after entering Jade Forest, something about Skyhold, it teleported me, and now I am infinite falling at 42/93 Garrosh’ar Point in Jade Forest. I can’t Hearth, or just fall in die, after time I get near the ground it restarts the loop. I have tried the Stuck ticket 4 times and they keep getting closed saying there is a error and to resubmit.

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Are you using the stuck tool?

Blizzard Support - Character Stuck - Disconnected When Logging In (

I’d forcequit the game - wait about 10 min. You’ll be in the game for a bitr till it autologs you out.


Tried that on the last ticket. Got Forced out with the Stuck ticket. waited 47 minutes, came back in, same issue and it says for the ticket resolved, but when I go to the ticket it says there was a error and to resubmit.

Can you check now?

Yep… still falling at 42 / 93 about 40 yds up.

(edited for correct coordinates)

Check now if you would


Yay Orlyia!

You are my new hero!


Im having that exact issue! Ive force quit, waited several hours and still stuck in a landing loop. Ive used the trouble shooting guide, renamed the appropriate folders and still in the loop! Nothing works!
This is on my Oquani toon, not Bryaxis fyi.

If the self-help option doesn’t work, Bryaxis, you’ll want to submit a stuck ticket so our staff can take a look.


I have. Numerous times. Its marked as resolved and still looping.

I see that you’re using the self-service character stuck tool and not the actual link that Vrakthris posted. That particular link will allow you to open an actual ticket and not go through the self-help option.


I am dealing with this problem too right now. Falling loop and Character Stuck Service did not resolve the problem.

Did you put in a manual ticket as linked above by Vrakthris OR did you just use the automatic service?

Here is the manual ticket link:


Ya, stuck service, ticket, and post here.

Then all I can suggest is to place another manual ticket via my link above and state that previous attempts have not worked thus far.


We usually prioritize these - and indeed, looks like your ticket has already been assigned.

Posting here isn’t necessary.

Given the age of this, I’m going to lock it now. You should hear from your ticket fairly soon.