Inferno Dungeons... Just Boring

so what is it? are there no affixes like titan rune? sounds like heroics ++
no one likes hp sponges wtf? they’re doing the same thing in timewalking dungeons in retail.
hp sponge ain’t fun, mechanics are

I dont know…remember how everybody was “ugh…” whenever HoS or HoL came up? And thats not really because it was so hard to keep the buff going. People rushed anyway. It was because even WITH buff it was a slogfest

the fact that 346 ilvl is all that is required to que these dungeons will fail hard in the coming weeks after everyone has all the valor they need for there tier/relics/off set pieces.

Just wait for the V2K posts to start flooding in. IF YOU JOIN MY GROUP AND ARE SUBPAR ( UNDER 15K) YOU WILL BE V2K FAIR WARNING

Blizz doesn’t care as long as people get bored and move to retail

I wouldn’t mind things doing more damage, and specifically now it made you slow down a little (and gradually as you get FL gear etc etc it speeds up) because you have to be careful… but… just having bosses be slow af… and some of them are just bad (some aren’t)… because they are just massive HP sponges soaking tons of damage as you beat them down without much of a threat…

Yeah… that just isn’t a very enjoyable way of “slowing it down” if you know what I mean…

100% is excessive for all but the most stacked groups with cheesy levels of aoe.

Should probably be around 70 or even 50

Absolutely agree, it just takes longer. No kiss-curse, jothing new to worry about…disapointing. But then again, we should be careful what do we wish for, because the mirror afix in wotlk was insanely infuriating to deal with.

Also giving players bis hc items for these dungeons is a bit of a overkill imho. It completely deletes any reason to run current season when you can then farm everything on easy mode.

Right, they should have just doubled item drops in 25M and quadrupled in 10M in t11

Then we could just kill Sinestra this week and skip this nonsense lol

yes that’s all… sod season 6 was announced so they probably run out of time (care) for cata for the time being. Maybe next year when DS is closer we might get something else.


There is no dungeon, no new raid, Just aq20 (10) and aq 40(20) with a weird af loot system that nobody asked for.

Literally nothing new has been designed for SoD either. The speculated Classic+ is nowhere to be found. It’s just SoM with TBC burst dps numbers.

Well you say that but what was the reason why cata got this long and terrible overextended phase? sod previous seasons… they have sod on their priorities top cata-mop is just second or third citizen at this point. :dracthyr_shrug:

You don’t release this and call it content big hp sponges and harder hitting mobs with overpriced numbers as reward that will get replaced in time. This isnt content this is more like “here you go I’m doing you a favor now stop calling me for more” type of thing from the devs to the playerbase of cata.


No I totally agree this is disgraceful. Just SoD doesnt have any new content really either. They have failed BOTH games.

The increased health is so mechanics actually have time to happen.

This still has nothing on how heroics were at original Cata launch.

You don’t even need CC. My guild groups have been burning through them.

People treating them like pre buff heroics are the only ones having issues.

Congratulations running with a full guild group makes them easier. No kidding. When we run them off with our like 272 characters in a group that has been farming Nef since week 2 its pretty easier. Who would have thought? You know what… I noticed that too! That means the system is perfect! How could anyone have not seen it??

Problem is I get the feeling these things aren’t really for those people. Tuned for “346” is what gives that away. Even then… yeah… my guild alts… we are all great players… its super easy… you bad you bad you bad… oh yeah… probably not really designed for that either.

Look I am not trying to say these things shouldnt be challenging. But challenge is not just standing there in the fire not caring and shooting the boss just waiting for it to die. That is just lame.

I like wrath gammas better

It would have just been better if blizz just didnt repeat the mistake of wotlk and add this trash to the game.

all that happens if a 346 ilvl person queues is they get vote kicked 3 trash pulls in when there doing 10k dps

Why I’ve laughed at mythic hater comments in retail.

Why does it have to be like this.

Answer: option b is hp sponges for difficulty.

Smack that boss down for twice or more the time. Thrilling.

The gammas were nice

Lol all the H+ is trash should have never been added to the game.