Indesertus recruiting dps raiders(DF AOTC:8/8H, 9/9H,9/9H ) Tues/Thurs @7-10PM Pst

Darqjunglizt#1304 add me and hit me up. we definitely need a hunter for sure.

updated. aotc achieved now pushing for mythic. if you think we suit you and you wanna join the mythic grind with us till next raid please do so.

Looking for range dps.

Looking for solid mythic raiders.

Looking for solid dps to help fill out our Mythic Roster. Content drought has hit us. If you a solid player looking to get into raiding with a solid long lasting guild we are waiting for you :slight_smile:

recruiting fresh peeps.

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bump, need more dps/1 holy pal

Looking for a home? we got you! lets enjoy the lack of content TOGETHER!!!

Updated as we prep for the new raid!

to the top again

Would love to join with my Rogue. I have 8/9 H Aberrus experience on a Warlock as well as an Enhance Shaman.

Looking to go back to my Rogue for Season 3.

At work right now, but can hit you up later tonight in game!

we need a rogue for sure LOL

updated. only recruiting range atm.

Also need a tank for next season

Hey, I was wondering if you still needed ranged for 10.2? 9/9H, 2700io Boomkin/spriest here. Just found out my guild is not returning for 10.2, we normally did AOTC + 1 mythic vault slot then M+. I heal and dps, can flex if needed! Boomer#1219

def need that shadow love.

We raiding tonight if you around. 7pm server bud.

DH LF New Home for next patch and beyond.

havent been able to find you in game. add darqjunglizt#1304 to your bnet and hit me up


Do you not have a home? need a raiding guild to get aotc? Check us out!