Incursions are a very poor experiment

Honestly, I’ve been playing WoW since vanilla… and this Emerald Incursion idea is probably one of the most poorly implemented and most poorly designed ideas that Blizzard has ever released.

10 levels and 300g+ (600g in some cases) in over 6 hours. In what reasonable line of thinking was this considered a good idea??? Seriously?

The world is COMPLETELY devoid of life EXCEPT in Ashenvale… players are rushing to Ashenvale to level up their accounts, grab as much gold as possible, and are almost completely ignoring ANY dungeons. Zul’Furrak only had a handful of people, BRD and Mauradon were almost completely devoid of life. And because of the STV event, in addition to the incursions, I imagine that all BGs are also [still] empty. And the people in Ashenvale are just running the same speed route to gather the quests, only to rinse and repeat.

Blizzard… please tell me that you simply had a massive stroke or you were completely asleep at the wheel here. Was it an attempt to get streamers to 50 more quickly, and to get more views? There is ZERO developer passion here.

How could you have NOT known that this was going to happen? Please… limit these quests to dailies and stop this complete and utter nonsense. Please, please, please… do NOT do this during the next phase.


Season of discovering blizzard still sucks


It seems like it goes against one of the core design philosophies of SoD which was to slow down the 0-60 rush and enjoy what the game had to offer in each level range.


They learned that large exp/gold rewards can and will make any slop “fun” in the eyes of a WoW player. But it’s also important to put a limit to those rewards, to get the other little mice anxious with fomo for the next phase of the experiment.

You’re not wrong OP.

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Phase 3 is joever.

Is Aggrend still being smug about all this on X?


He only acknowledges people who kiss his butt, so probably. Life in an echo chamber is very comforting.


Just posting what I posted in my guild discord last night after doing incursions for merely a few hours.

  1. Seven Yesterday at 11:46 PM

Nightmare incursions are the worst thing added to SoD and to wow in my opinion to date. They’re lazy, unimaginative and so underwhelming. Literally seems like they had no content planned and threw a bunch of quests together and phased us and added a rep vendor. Don’t get me started on the mountains of stupid quest items in your inventory, really?

How truly terrible, what were they thinking.


Yeah it doesn’t make any sense from a design standpoint, and it’s very poorly executed.

At this point, it’s pretty obvious the kinds of devs we have at the helm.


im having a blast!

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Its super early in the phase, obviously everyone’s gonna be doing the new content. Give it a few days lol

For me personally, it has nothing to do with the impact on the world, the content itself is poorly designed, poorly implemented with what seems to be little to no effort from the development team. The only “fun” part about it is having something “new” to do with the buds and having everyone actually online. But it’s rose tinted, the content itself is actually straight garbage. It’s literally daily quests without limit. They should address it as such, here I was expecting going into the emerald portal to at least take us to a newish zone, not put a damn green tint on Ashenvale where we spent ALL of phase 1 :joy: :joy: :joy: and yes ASHENVALE because if you go to Feralas you’ll notice for whatever reason the quests reward LESS XP.


And I’ll be clear… I did stay up (FOMO) until 1am and grinded this rogue to 50.

Am I satisfied about it? No.
Do I feel accomplished for it? No.

Why? There is no sense of reward… there is no lore, no value added, there is NOTHING about the game, the characters, or the stories that Blizzard added. Again - there is ZERO passion in this “feature.”

Also, with these incursions at the Nightmare Gates… does this mean that the Nightmare Dragons and Kazzak won’t be implemented later in the game?

Did I get 50 in 60 hours? Sure - great… now I can basically blitz through Maur, ZF, BRD, and get the gear. But this completely destroys the game and the reason I came back to Classic! I want the dungeons to be challenging… I want to feel like I achieved something when I beat Maur (and get the Blackstone Ring, and Thrash Blade). SOD is becoming more and more of a substandard version of retail - characters are completely overpowered for the content environment. And with the “catch-up” gear thrown throughout the game… SOD is clearly becoming more and more like retail.

In Vanilla, characters and guilds used to stand out because they had GM gear, or raid gear. Now… virtually every character looks exactly the same because everyone can blitz to BiS and with hardly any lockouts, or delays to getting gear… you can achieve that gear score within a week. Characters aren’t even 60 and already exalted with AB and WSG. Come on! And as someone who plays in STV… allowing us to gather 15,000+ honor in a manner of moments? Sigh…

Heck, SM Cath used to take 30-45 minutes to clear, now it takes <10 minutes and hardly any consideration.

Sure, you could say, “Then don’t do the incursions.” Okay… let’s say I avoid the incursions. Now, it will likely at least 1-2 weeks to level to 50 (at a minimum)… my gear will be completely obsolete compared to everyone else’s… I will get stomped in STV PvP… and I won’t have anywhere the gold I need to be able to afford ANYTHING on the AH.

This was a terrible idea. #FireJoshGreenfield


What do you mean? You dont like the 500 feet of reused zone in green tint with no music? xDDDDDDDDDDDDD


Hit 49 last night and made around 4-500 gold.

Firm handshakes all around. Enjoy p3 fam.


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This is just not true. You can take a quick glance at his Twitter and he’s constantly responding to negative feedback.

That’s exactly how I felt last night.

It felt genuinely cool doing something new, but that went away quick. The levels were nice, and even the (post-nerf) gold, but I honestly barely had to even play my class.

At least dungeons are somewhat engaging compared to incursions.



Literally seems like they had no content planned and threw a bunch of quests together and phased us and added a rep vendor.

Looking at the roadmap and it having no mention of any PvE event makes me think you are onto something.

I think some people drastically overestimated the competence of the Classic team.