Incursions are a very poor experiment

Incursions have completely ruined my enjoyment of p3. I feel punished for wanting to quest normally…


Yall are sad… it wouldn’t matter if blizz did everything right you would still find something to complain about.

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But they haven’t done anything right here… there is nothing right about the incursions.


Let them do everything right and then we can test your theory.


So much cope and white knighting here…The raid looks well done…other features are fine, maybe even great. Why should we let them release such thoughtless, lazy and uninteresting content without saying anything? There’s no argument to be had here. Incursions are literally green tinted daily quests in zones we’ve spent the last 5ish months in, how are you defending that?

If they want to add daily quests, fine. But say “New daily quests added in xyz zone.” Don’t hype them up and call them nightmare incursions tricking everyone thinking we’re going into the nightmare portals in classic for the first time, what’s waiting for us? lmfao.


The quests probably should have been dailies that give you about 75% of a level if you do them all and a little gold.

I know ppl hate dailies… but this commendation system is wild.


the few I watched were complaining about how bad the content was too, just an all around terrible choice of content/balance


This was a classic #nochanges attitude, not a SoD or classic+ philosophy. SoD is clearly retail lite.

I would’ve been much happier if they just made the mobs themselves give rep on kills (and didn’t limit everything to one little area of the zone) with a handful of daily quests and maybe 1 weekly quest for a boss


All that blabbering when you only option is to quit and be done with it. End of story

I don’t care too much that the world doesn’t have 100+ people in one area trying to tag one mob. I’m just kinda upset that the kill quests are worthless and a huge time sink and how ugly it is. The emerald dream in retail is really nice, but on sod it’s just migraine inducing amounts of green on ashenvale landscape, generic mobs that you can avoid entirely and there’s zero backstory to this at all.

The worst part is how little gold it gives now and josh basically told us to eff ourselves on Xcrement. All the people with normal life schedules or just people wanting to do gnomer got screwed over hard.


No joke it might be the dumbest thing I have seen in wow. At worst they should make 4 more for each level bracket to at least split it up a bit but I would not even count on that.

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The levels were literally capped at 25 and 40. The game forced us to actually experience the content at those levels rather than rushing to 60. One of the fundamental points of this entire season.

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Capped at 25 and 40 for how long? And just how much content was there to explore?

SOD was released in November and capped at 25. Season 2 started in February and raised the level to 40. And then season then, and cap to 50, was released in April.

So, 3 months, 2 months, and now… how long until Phase 4?

Yes, the game “forced” us to explore content at 25 and 40… but again, how much content is truly available at those levels? At the 45-50 bracket, IMO, the world really starts to open up… just about every flight point is accessible via walking/mount, and there are a ton of newly accessible dungeons available at 50 - way more than the previous seasons. ZF, BRD, Maur, Uldaman, ST. Please, the time and materials required to level professions from 225 to 300 is much more intense.

Allowing players to simply play for 6 hours, gain hundreds of gold, and earn 10 levels is the complete antithesis of SOD, and, IMO, Classic WoW. Every player I’ve spoken with has hated it, but feels forced to do it so that they 1. Don’t fall behind both in terms of level/gear but also gold.

The incursions were a horrible, horrible implementation. They should have been dailies with a gold cap per turn-in.

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they are absolute garbage. The same repeatable quests brainlessly farmed. Half the time one of the quests is glitched. Sharing is glitched. The portal is glitched. And when one faction decides to camp the portal or the quest giver it becomes impossible to do anything. And when you die on one side you cannot get through the portal because it is glitched, so you either sit in there or hearth.

Ya a lot of these things will probably pass, but fundamentally its boring garbage, and that wont change.

oh and i almost forgot the 2min res cd. Very nice when you’re getting camped by 300 players.

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The glitches are really what do me in. That and how much these can be cheesed for not only xp, but quick rep. In the name of “being social” they screwed this up big time. Shouldn’t be sharable quests. If you drop one quest, you should have to farm the demons outside again. Otherwise, all people will do is what they’re doing. Dropping all kill quests and just cheesing the quick in and out stupid things.

Why would Blizzard not have thought of this?

This clearly needs a PTR. Cause here we are now with everyone quitting. Deserved. Get the PTRs up next time. Sorry, but this discovery thing can’t work with this looming over our heads.

I’m not sure what I had more fun doing, getting killed by the other faction any time i tried to go near the quest giver, fighting for mob tags or waiting 2 mins to respawn at my corpse. I joined phase 3 one week late and now it feels like I can’t level any of my toons in incursions because they’re being camped by max levels. Guess it’s time to try another game, thanks Blizz

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I enjoyed the no kill speed runs before the nerf. But I am on a PVE server. Not sure they will be worth it on an alt with a lot less people and less xp.

Going back to vanilla. Come join us at deviate delight

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I hate feeling like i have to log in every day to keep up with a rep grind, id rather play all weekend then take a break from the game for a few days than do dailies.

They could just restructure how quests in incursions work, from how they are shared, to what you need to do for them so that they are not loop spamming type gameplay it is now.

off the top off my head: Make incursions zone wide. Remove the fetch quest pick ups. Have every type of mob in the zone drop different items for repeatable turn ins and crafting for professions which can be exchanged for different loot + rep and arent a group wide drop and arent bound. So people would actually be farming stuff more like a regular zone rather than “doing loops”

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