Incursion - worst garbage ever

Incursions are a great change of pace. Probably slightly overtuned. But still an interesting thing to do rather than the same leveling

The only hope for p4 is if the current devs resign from blizzard and go learn a new skill to put a roof over their head.

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Literally how? They are just ashenvale daily quests with a green shader. The mobs don’t even have interesting abilities. How is that any more fun than doing quests anywhere else? What is supposed to be new here? This is nontent


Rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck.

Rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck, rogues suck.

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Dont be lying, you enjoyed the free GOLD, not incursions.

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They should also give everyone who is playing a pony

They should give everyone with less than 100g in their bags right now 500,000 XP,

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Sorry for the wall of text, but here is my opinion on Incursions.

They’re great.

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is it particularly engaging? no. but is it a nice alternative to dungeon grind? yes.


gold was nerfed, and probably xp next so it isn’t given to “everyone”

Would logging in to a max char with 1k gold already be an even better alternative?

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what does that even have to do with anything?

Nah its nice to have a PVE event for a change. I THINK ITS AWESOME

Don’t push your assumptions on other people. The event is fun and the gold amount was way too high and needed to be nerfed way faster

Good ole SoD players, always whining about OPTIONAL content. Never change SoD forums

A tremendous amount.

Your logic 6 hour questing and gold is nice

Why not 0 hour questing and gold. What’s the limit? Is easier always better?

you would rather spam the same dungeon 100s of times and do slow boring quests then do this is much better this way

did i say that it was better? no, i said it was a nice alternative to the dungeon grind i’ve already done on all of my characters. stretching my legs so to speak. don’t put words in my mouth.

I took advantage of it…, but yea it’s actually stupid :sweat_smile:. 50 in 8hrs will little to no effort

Alright you’re much less intelligent than I gave you credit for. Thanks for the nonresponse