Incursion - worst garbage ever

Because if you could infinitely share the quests, you could have one person sit nearby with the three rescue quests and just repeatedly share them over and over and over again, and the other 4 people can just rush the turn ins, which is even MORE insane than the current hyper speed.

They needed a way to allow groups to share quests, but limit the amount of times it was done and help with overlap. I personally think that it shouldn’t have been 100% chance for another quest. Since you can repeat the beginning one over and over, that should have awarded a 100% quest, and the rest should have been like lock boxes, some random stuff. Sometimes commendations for rep, sometimes additional quests, and sometimes bonus currency. This way doing it in a 5 man group doesn’t lead to you have 100x as many quests as you could possibly complete after just two runs.

i’m over here having a great time. imagine thinking that’s doomer.

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they are letting people spam the same quests over and over again. the result is the same.

this is the worst, most convoluted system in the game. whoever greenlit this is a moron.

should have just made these straight up daily quests.


It’s not the same. Yes there is repetition, but it’s not on the same level as what I described as possible. Because the quests offered are random. The issue there is the uncapped exponential value of group based sharing. They didn’t restrict enough.

Ok. You’re entitled to your opinion. To me I just saw it as the Bronze Dragonflight deputization/Silithus World Quests redone. Wasn’t great as a first implementation. Room for improvement 100%. But anything Classic style in Retail era size/gaming is gonna be… off.

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sure you are lol. straight doomposting

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Wait, is this why within like the 1st hour and a half on my server there was already like x200 lvl 50’s? wat.


if you think the current system of deleting and managing unique items with charges over and over again is acceptable then idk what to say.

this is the most user unfriendly and confusing system thats ever been added to classic wow.


Me just smiling at everyone who didnt do it in time and i made 600g and hit 50 hours ago.


Is that what I said? Because it’s most decidedly not. The difference between you and me is that I don’t get unreasonably angry at a video game that I feel the need to be outrageously silly and lash out on forums when I don’t agree with something in the game.


prequest + ZF farming.

vanilla had content?


Should have called out and told them I got some leveling to do!


So basically Nightmare Incursion spam was a better time investment then turning in a bunch of quests?

Pre-questing wasn’t really the move then?

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True, these incursion events make SOD feels like retail.

Easy money, high inflation, braindead leveling and dumb repeatable quests


And you enjoy this game play?

Why not in P4, we just get free boost to 60 and free 1k gold in bank?


it still took hours. SoD is a funserver anyway, P3 would have instantly deflated if people had to run as many of the same dungeon as P2 to level.

I enjoyed this short leveling period and I enjoyed the gameplay loop of incursions. I don’t enjoy needing every group to be an AoE group to level at a decent speed.


I really enjoyed incursions

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It’s a seasonal version.

Go play era?

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Incursions are retail trash that doesn’t belong in classic