I’d become a undead resto healy shaman so fast tbh… this looks incredible. Someone at blizzard hire this man
Some how the link doesn’t work.
Okay, that is sick awesome!
I would 100% play one… if I had any slots left.
“And this is where I would have my undead shaman… IF I HAD ANY SLOTS”
imagine straight back undead shaman… the lore squad would lose their minds on the forums… it would be glorious
I mean there are already undead shaman in northrend (naxxramas) and undead vrykul darkshaman, and drust shamans, and undead tidesages in bfa.
Although I have been pushing for tombstone totems since catacylsm for undead shaman.
The closest thing rn is the venthyr armor set now with tombstones on them and sinstone elementals.
Although I think giving us death elemental glyphs would cool. Especially the red one.
Bliz please let us get some death elemental glyphs and sinstone elemental glyphs.
There’s been a lot of stuff like this floating around recently. It would be really cool if Blizzard implemented this kind of thing.
That Elemental with the coffin in him is awesome looking.
Yes to Forsaken Shaman.
the tombstone totems are super neat tbh… the whole concept is really well done and polished, and doesn’t seem like it would be too hard to implement with the exception of straight back undead
This person has done some dope work!
Just went and downvoted this abomination.
This is awesome.
There’s zero reason to restrict Classes to certain races (or even genders). Let players play the class the way they want.
…or they’ll just go play another game that does.
No one is going to lose their mind on the story forums.
Holy crap, that is amazing!
Saw yesterday.
I have to say this is exactly the images I’ve had in my head for years of how and Undead Shaman and totems would look.
I would play one in a heartbeat. Huge props to who the artist is .
Tombstones as totems, that’s very creative. I love it!
Some people just can’t get enough fel green,looks like a warlock .
I want all classes open to all races since Blizz has shown they don’t give a crap about lore. That being said, this isn’t half bad. I REALLY like the tombstone totems. Like REALLY, REALLY like it. The elementals I think need some work since they resemble the normal ones too much for my tastes, but it is going in the right direction.
Yup. They did when said dark ranger nightborne made just as much sense as dark ranger void elves and that they should also get the customization.