Increased Loot Drops with 12-Month Cadence?

Increasing loot drops due to the accelerated timeline/cadence of content releases has been mentioned in a lot of threads. It’s a philosophical issue Blizz will ultimately need to face.

  • Is Season of Mastery a race to complete the raid content within 12 months? That Blizz named it a “Season” suggests that. If so, then I can see increased loot drops not being a huge deal and almost necessary to compensate for bad RNG, somewhat leveling the playing field for the race.

  • Is Season of Mastery an attempt to recapture the challenges of raiding in Vanilla WoW? The removal of WBs and bringing back old mechanics seems like that is something Blizz is aiming to do. If that is true, then loot drops really shouldn’t be increased.

Personally, I hope loot drop rates aren’t increased so guilds can experience the content at their own pace without feeling rushed. Players who want increased loot drops to make Season of Mastery a race can just join a guild that does 2 -4 split runs per week.


I think the drop rates shouldn’t be increased because it will create a more competitive raid environment. Once again your progression will be dictated by the skill of your raid and not the amount of gear you have farmed up.


why on earth do we need extra loot? just because BWL comes out doesn’t mean you have to stop doing MC, etc.

I want epics to feel epic, please. one of the worst things about TBC is that epics become candy, being given away everywhere for minimal effort.


The way I hope it goes though is that these raids will take long enough so that as you progress, there just isn’t enough time to run everything unless you want to raid 3-4 times a week.

But that’s just me.


They almost have to increase the loot drop rate with a 1 year condensed schedule. My guild downed parts of Naxx from December until either late April / early May and all of it from February on and I still didn’t fully gear this rogue. At some point, the reality of the condensed schedule will require changes to loot.

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There are unchanged vanilla servers that still do this. You are welcome to play on the no changes servers

and you are welcome to enjoy the 12 month cadence of season of mastery with no extra loot, because that’s exactly what you’re getting.

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I will thank you! :smiley: I personally don’t mind either way

Just so you know this is the #somechages classic so don’t count it out when it hasn’t been released yet


I’m in favor of good changes. Extra loot because gimme gimme gimme, is not one of them.

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That is a matter of opinion

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I think you are more likely to be the one disappointed in this case. I just don’t see loot playing out in a #nochanges kind of way from a quantity standpoint. Quality, I don’t foresee changes.

nothing about a 12 month cadence necessitates needing more loot to drop from bosses. this is not a race. the servers are not disappearing at the stroke of midnight after 12 months.


I don’t recall saying anything about necessities. And just to head this off, I am also not asking for it or asking them not to do it. I am neutral. From that perspective and knowing how long it took to gear this toon in classic, I think it is highly likely they will increase the drop rate by anywhere between 1 and 2 pieces per boss.

I wonder if their plan is to increase loot drops after a certain point in time. For example, after phase 3 drops, mc/ony have increased loot drops by 1-2 per kill.

retail teaches us that the loudest, baddest wow players will force the loot increase because they’re so loud and bad. and so many of them.

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Something to note is that just because the phases drop in that time, the players do not have to complete each raid in 2 months and then move on. The Server isn’t going to get deleted just cause its 12 months.

Naxx alone, given with all the prep for it and the lack of Wbuffs, is not gonna be doable for most guilds in a few weeks. Frozen rune farm, no cheese on Sapph etc.

Lifespan will be shorter, but I expect its still gonna be atleast 15 months+ of lifespan for the server.

That said, if they release naxx and drop a fresh server a week later, yea its probably gonna die out.

Also, the difficulty will increase each phase because realistically you are not going to gear your raid in 2 months. And then the next raid comes in and it just makes it all more difficult. Increasing drop rates would make the whole thing easier. And as said, just cause something opens every 2 months does not mean the previous content becomes useless. Specially if people still need items from there.


Making loot more common also makes it less special.


But why does anyone need to be “fully geared”? Why does the possibility you won’t get all the gear youy want “require” Blizz to change the number of loot drops?

Not being fully geared makes the content more challenging.

If people want to be “fully geared” they can do split runs with their guild. People who don’t have the motivation/time/energy to do split runs don’t deserve extra loot–that should go to the people who put in the extra effort.

Gear among the top guilds will be an even bigger joke since they’ll be doing split runs WITH extra loot haha.


Nobody plays classic to be challenged. That’s what retail is for


Also, they should drop gear from raid bosses at 2x speed to match the cadence.