Increase the account wide character cap

Please, you added all these new customizations and made leveling so much easier and I’m running out of character slots.

If you’re gonna come in here and ask me why I need so many character slots, or to tell me to delete characters, or that I have a problem, first ask you how them increasing the cap would affect you in literally any way.


i dont know how a person has 50 slots used up

By enjoying leveling alts and playing for 15 years.


I have probably deleted 20 max level characters and have had a full 50 lineup since legion launch event made it easy to get max level in a few hours. What would it hurt to increase the cap honestly. I can only play one at a time unlike multiboxers who destroy the servers they play on.


Nothing. People are against it just because they cant fathom enjoying leveling alts. The closest thing to a good point I’ve ever seen about it is ‘Well if you have more slots you’ll just reserve a bunch of names!’ but I can already do that with my trial account.


So true dude. It’s been 15 years… leveling has never been easier, and we now have to choose from:

23 races * 2 genders * 36 class specs = 1656 possible characters. And people think 50 is absurd, I shake my head…



But in trade, every 3 months, you lose your character names back to the pool for other people to use if you don’t play them. You can have as many characters as you want, but you can’t lock up names forever without even playing them.

Sound good?

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I can already do this, as I’ve stated above. This change wouldnt add to that. Its a non issue.

But yeah, sure, I play all of my characters at least once a week for farming mogs or something.


Probably nearer 1k after taking out the unavailable race class combos, personally doesnt matter to me if you have 100 or 200 slots on your account (I wont ever make 50). Problem would become mission tables I think with high gold income passively with more max level pcs

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Sorry, I missed it, and really it’s the only thing I think matters and it wasn’t in your OP. If you are cool with names being released at a more rapid pace once you hit the 50 cap, then like all cool in my book.

lol ah another of these threads


Sure, since I have to play all my characters each month for Timewalking that will never be an issue for me :slight_smile:

We’ll just keep making them till Blizz listens. So probably a long time.


I think they’ll become more frequent. Longer people play, more Blizz makes leveling easy, more people hitting 50 characters. Every time Blizz adds a new allied race that’s 2 new characters (Horde/Alliance), same with new classes.


I’d be cool with names being released faster, though I’d be cooler with having surnames and/or spaces, and some select special characters (like our good friend the apostrophe, mon!) becoming available for use.

Yeah, you can be creative and get around the current naming restrictions well enough, but there’s really no reason for them to exist. We can do so much better than AOL screen names from 1999.

… Heck, Everquest already did, in 1999.

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I am still amazed that people actually have 50 characters on their account. I have no idea how you can manage to even actively play 1/10 of them :slight_smile:

Sure why not?

Well you asked.
If you had 1000 alts and had each one on a rare spot. You knew when each spot would be up. You could spread sheet it to the sec. To get them all every time.

I think eventually I’ll reach a point where I don’t have to type out messages and I can just quote myself forever :rofl:

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Chill dude, I wasn’t making fun of them. I was pointing out that I don’t have the dedicate to play that many different characters is all. I have a hard enough time trying to keep current on 4 of them :slight_smile: I was just giving them credit for being better at managing them then I am.