Increase the account wide character cap

I’m quite chill as it turns out

I didn’t think you were

I have not enjoyed deleting toons just to do heritage runs… I’m now at 50 toons at level 50, just finished my last 5 heirloom runs…

Just like you can’t understand that, I cannot understand people playing 1 toon for… 15 years. To each their own.


For real. My trolls need their apostrophes!

yes!!! so need character cap doubled please :slight_smile:

This topic and question has come up a lot recently, probably for the reason you stated: customizations and allied races.

Playing devil’s advocate, and since you asked, the only downside I can see to it is it would make name hoarding that much easier and it might effect server stability? Something about increasing storage, I don’t know. It just something I’ve seen said in other threads on this topic.

Other than that, I don’t see the big deal.

For $15 a month you’ll get 50 more slots.

This is what I did and I think it’s better :woman_shrugging: Like this Scourge invasion crap. I can park one character at the bosses and level another character on my other account. I also have opposite faction Mages on each account so I can port and fly my low level alts around Azeroth and beyond.

And it doesn’t have to be $15 a month. Just farm up a token!

Honestly, I’d pay $15 a month just for 50 more slots on my main account. I dont want to have to log out and switch accounts to access all my characters.

You don’t have to. I play in window mode so I have both of my accounts open at the same time.

Assuming this is correct, and then we include the 17 race/class combos for Vulpera and Mechagnomes:

Then for Vulpera and Mechagnomes we have 17 race/class combos, so double that for gender to 34 total. So we have 384 total race/class/gender combos. I’m not convinced spec matters, but that would be 1,152.

Quick facts:

  • 384 race/class/gender.
  • 1,152 race/class/gender/spec

Easily, I have three active accounts. WoW has been out for sixteen years. I was in my mid-twenties when I first started playing WoW. I’m not in my early forties.

Fifty characters is a drop in the bucket.

I cap a character easily in one session and have been doing at least one to sometimes two a day.