Devs, now that we are moving onto AQ and this is a season, please increase the drop rate of the eye of sulfuras and the bindings for Thunderfury. I’m a priest. I don’t need these but I’m tired of farming MC every week for a single item that even the person getting the item is tired of farming. It’s a season, get with the program. Please massively increase the drop rate (100%) or make them available for reals. We are tired of this grind. It’s not fun and my guild is falling apart because of it. Please let us move on.
My guild hasnt even seen an Eye drop and my rogue is the only one with a TF. Talk about RNGness.
Both items are non upgrades in AQ though. So why keep running them when there are better items in AQ 10 / 20?
I dont even use my TF… but its nice having it. Why not?
Sulfuras has a reason to be farmed, but thunderfury is pretty much already obsolete for most classes.
Yes, that’s what I said. It’s AQ time. There’s no reason to have it locked behind RNG now. Just let people have the item so they can feel like they finally got it. Close the door on this chapter of the season. Also, the eye is for a cosmetic that is just fun. 100% drop rate time.
What’s sulfs reason to be farmed?
Blizzard said they didn’t want to have raids going back to farm old content so they wouldn’t have BiS items in MC.
Anyone holding a guild to ransom to farm them cosmetics isn’t a good team player.
There’s one class that it’s still relevant for, and not because it’s bis. Think hard about it.
If that’s true, what’s the reason not to just increase the drop rate to 100%? I’m not seeing how this affects you at all. If someone wants to get the eye or bindings, just let them? This also motivates people to do alt runs as well. I’m not hearing a reason not to just increase the drop rate. You’re point actually supports it.
I don’t agree that the drop rate should be increased. There’s a reason why people on era don’t do full MC runs. Make your lootgoblin guildies run those if they still want their lego.
I won’t do that. I’ll just quit the game instead.
There are better weapons out there for feral / ret?
Because guilds would then be forcing players to run MC again.
Which blizzard said their goal in SoD was to stop this happening.
People wanting to gear up alts will still gear up alts.
You said it yourself, if your guildies force you to keep running MC you will quit. This is why they didn’t make the legendaries from MC game BiS.
If a guild forces you to run old content… thats not the guild for me. lol
I will run it if I have alts to gear out. If not F, that. =)
Kinda cringe that you cant figure it out and it proves that you’ve never played SoD.
ok see ya.
Only 2 classes were chasing it during MC. There are better weapons out there for said classes. I don’t see your point?
Sorry I haven’t kept up with the ins and outs, but most people have already quit sod.
Drop chance is Is already excessively high.
If they make it much higher, it will be easier to get legendary weapons than to find a one-dollar bill on the street.
So please stop whining; WoW is a game meant to be played in a community, so lend your guild friends a hand.
Your guild can’t be so poorly geared or skilled that it takes more than an hour max to clear MC. Plus, you even get Reals from the bosses.
Yeah I know hence why I’m not 100% telling you why a certain class still wants sulfuras. You have no reason to comment on this thread when you have zero idea what is going on in SoD these days.
How do you explain it when our guild hasnt miss a lock out and we havent seen 1 eye? Has only gotten 1 priest thingie, One binding ( I got one in an alt run).
I hardly thought they are excessively high drop rates. Some guilds are just luckier than others.