Increase Legendary Drop Rates

It’s called bad RNG

Yeah, I know but its no way has a high drop rates.

Again, there are upgrades for the classes that were chasing it.

Blizzard has come out and said they don’t want people going back to old content.

I’ve already said it’s pointless to go back and farm for a cosmetic.

So unless this is a new bis item for 2h shaman (which it’s not) I don’t think you know what you are talking about.

Have you ever played WoW before?

Forcing 39 other players to farm a cosmetic for 1 is not wow.

Of course getting transmog for yourself is a completely different ball game.

I was also only saying that as fangpi had said a class needed it for reasons other than bis / cosmetic. Still don’t know where he was going with that one.

That sucks my war has TF and my horde druid and pally both have HoR. I’ll need 5 Atiesh next phase, I am a total degen player on SoD (over 220 days played) I feel I deserve them.

Why are you being so obnoxious about it? Not everyone knows that druids get a firecat form toy to go with sulfuras.

If that’s what he was talking about, I had said a guild shouldn’t be running it for 1 players cosmetic.

Pretty much the same, my team has never seen a binding but the eye dropped for me November 3rd on Heat 1… Honestly seemed to only drop when I’d given up hope.

39 other players? Bro, just stop. You’re continually proving how much of an idiot you are.

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Not sure abort your server, but stand in Org or SW in just 5 min and you will see +10 TF og 5+Rag hammers.

My broadest suggestion would probably be to change the person who enters the raid first.

We had our last MC raid on Wednesday, and with just our main team, we’ve gotten 3 Eyes and 5 Bindings of different kinds. (Though we’ve been running H3 since the beginning.)

Yes the drop is really High. You’re just really unlucky. Even our two mini teams and our alt team, which only run H1 and H2, have seen more drops at this point.

So it’s not even our progression team that’s lucky.

Nah, keep legendary items feeling legendary. This isn’t retail where legendaries get handed out like candy on Halloween

We’ve been clearing MC every week, Have only seen 1 eye. 0 bindings.

I don’t see why not honestly.

Legendaries in classic don’t feel all that legendary imo because it’s just… Oh I got lucky. Not any epic quest line or hidden bosses.

Just let druids buy their firecat form and let them be done with it.

<3 RNG


It felt legendary because not everyone and their grandma had one. Plus, the stats were typically better than an epic. The randomness, made it feel so much better when you actually got it.

A quest reward legendary…just doesnt have the same feels because well… everyone can have one.

Classic wasn’t the whole, “you get a legendary, you get a legendary, and you get 2 legendaries” mindset.

Nah most people have absolutely not quit SoD lmao. You on the other hand are a clown who is for some reason so obsessed with wanting SoD to fail, you made a character on those god forsaken BORING “fresh” servers and named it Ripsod. That’s beyond obsession. What happened, was more than one button rotations too complicated for you lmao? I’d rather blow my brains out than ever play non-sod vanilla ever again and so does everyone else. Those fresh servers are a waiting room for what people actually wanted which was TBC.


Which is exactly why vanilla original was terrible and this player is asking for this aspect of the game to be changed in a version of the game that has fixed many of the outdated garbage that original vanilla had. There is zero reason for an item (legendary or not) that is immediately outdated once BWL/Thunderaan launches to be so difficult to get this far into the game. It’s no longer even close to bis.


Anyone holding a raid ransom for a cosmetic should be the real person you’re upset with.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they had not chosen to release the god awful stinking and wretched heat modes