This is so phenomenally missing all the points I actually feel bad for you…
Cool, then stop spending time focusing on the genitalia of imaginary video game characters…
This is all imaginary, made-up, not real… (I hope yall knew that but…)
Dwarves, gnomes, trolls… they dont exist! And since last I checked Blizzard hasnt released any announcements on canon for gnome genitalia… who are you to say what an imaginary made-up characters gender looks like?
If not having a hard fix on whether your imaginary made-up video game character has a or not is that “immersion breaking” or a “barrier to happiness” for you then I honestly dont think thats Blizzards problem, it very much sounds like its yours… And tbh it’s a little disturbing.
I have to say, I agree with a horde for once, lol If a person can’t understand that a man and woman are different, that is just plain stupid…, everybody else shouldn’t have to deal with their stupidity /confusion.
All I could think of was this quote.
“what you have just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul”.
Silly quotes aside, for reals guy, did you even listen to yourself?.. LGBTQ+ are the ones asking for pronouns in a game where when you hover someone it doesn’t even state your gender, it goes off looks alone, which is why I was saying that adding them in is kind of pointless since the game doesn’t specify either way except on creation. That being said though I don’t see a problem in adding in pronouns because it’s not like it hurts anything and that way both sides can be happy. Just pick and choose what you want. Who said anything about genitalia? LOL… But hey people gonna hear what they wanna hear. You do you boo! Muting ya <3
Does gender need to exist in a fantast video game? Will you derive less joy from the game if you dont know with absolute certainty whether your character has a or not? Or are you bringing culture war BS into a video game where it doesnt belong, much like gnome genitalia?
I think we all know the answer… And frankly it really is disturbing yall are so hung up on this
Or course it belongs in a fantasy game. Don’t act like you are all surprised and shocked when decades of people assigning genders at character creation are wondering wtf you are talking about. It’s been this way forever. D&d, wow, eq, etc.
Frankly the majority don’t have any issues with how it is now. Only on these forums do these randos come out of the woodwork and complain about this stuff.
Likewise the majority dont have any issues with going to Body type vs gender. Its just you culture warriors obsessed with fantasy genitalia who make it this huge thing.
No support and no reason to waste time or resources on it, yall got them to change genders to body type 1 and 2 now play the fantasy game and mind your own business and quit making changes that effects the majority standard people. Roleplay as a tadpole for all I care, just keep it to yourself.
You are projecting the “seek help” too hard. I’m going with the normal flow of normality. YOU are the one arguing for something that whole harmless, is not normal. Be honest with yourself. So the person here who should maybe be seeking help is…
The hunter takes on the aspects of a cheetah, increasing movement speed by 30%. If the hunter is struck, fairyself/foxself/xer/xim will be dazed for 4 sec. Only one Aspect can be active at a time.
To most people you sound like either a troll or a whiner. People all around the world do not care. I am from a non english country and the pronouns thing make zero sense to the whole population because words in my language are either feminine or masculine. When someone in English asks that certain pronouns in another language be used it make the person sound like an idiot because not all languages are the same and the whiner usually assumes that.
I am all for people to use whatever description they want. My gay friends dont give a flying toss about pronouns and the only people we have seen being offended are weird social majors in my university that I sometimes see while not in med school.
You should work on being ashamed about things that actually matter to society not idiotic issues that only Karens care about and you should focus your energy on better issues like universal healthcare, police brutality or fairness in taxation…all issues that help improve society.
This is a game instead you forgot about it. Stop acting like Karen because nothing in the game is real nor matter…and go do something productive with your life instead for crying out loud.