Incomplete removal of gender and dissapointment in Blizzard

you are correct i used the wrong term these days they have all these people so confused im surprised half of them can handle playing a video game with how sensitive they are if the wind blows the wrong way the world is ending

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no this is a world ran by sex dungeon heroes who do what ever they want and we all pay them for it

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No, this is a fantasy world “borrowed” from over a century of mythology.

This is your opportunity to research genderless and hermaphrodite mythological creatures. I will be suitably impressed by your reply.

Oh, something just occurred to me: just because something exists, doesn’t mean it has to exist in every work of imagination.

Imagine the horror, the arrogance, the tyranny of will that would have to exist to force all creators to create things acceptable to a tiny minority. Sounds kinda like the opposite of the identity some progressive folks claim. Interesting.

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A wise man once said ‘Everything Woke Turns To Sh*t.’


Body type 2 human still uses girl in their jokes!

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what about people who have their custom pronouns of zeim and zem?!? We arent including them?!?!

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Don’t care what community you “belong” to. There are two sexes that’s genetic and simply biology. Be gay if you wanna be pretend to be something you are not … but its very simple in a video game if you identify as a women just roll a female character. If you identify as a male roll a male toon. Why must everything be shoved down everyone elses throat for a small percentage of the population.


This type of post is extremely damaging to religious and science believers. I am deeply offended that this type of science denying post is allowed. Please remove this post immediately as it is extremely offensive to all rational science believing men and women. Biology is real! Blizzard be rational here. There are two genders and always has been! Science, religion, and commonsense all point to the fact that their are only two genders. Enough is enough. Start deleting and banning people for making these patently false political claims.


Pretty obvious that this is a troll post–heck, their character is even a troll–but selectable pronouns are a good idea. I get that recoding every ability and dialogue in the game is no small undertaking though, so I don’t expect it to happen tomorrow.

its almost as if they are implying that body type 1 is better than body type 2. why is it 2nd? should be body type x and body type y. but then again what if the people dont identify as x or y?!?! maybe we should switch it to something people are just born with and there is no questioning like sexes and the distinguishing features of male and female. then again i dont really care because it shouldnt matter.

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i know right?!!?! i think blizzards actions here are that of the “EXTREMISTS!”

The issue is catering to any group at all.

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I rolled a Troll character but I identify him as an Ogre. Please fix my tooltips.

Don’t waste forum space on trash troll threads when we have real issues :face_exhaling:

Blizzard is, it’s why they only listen to them.

Blizzard has more important things to worry about.

There are two main genders that 99.7% of the population identifies with.

Can’t stop and cater to .3% every time they cry.

If Gender is a main topic that one is most concerned with, then those need to rethink what matters the most.

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I would love if Blizzard would implement removal of all intentionally inflammatory remarks/posts such as this and others designed to get a rise out of the community one way or the other.

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Lmao this is the best satire I’ve read today.

There are males and there are females It seems like an embarrassment to the human race that this nonsense is being taken seriously. Men and women are different, and this should be celebrated, not demonized. A group of woke snowflakes get to make the rules and drive the majority to bend for this absurdity? How soon till we are the laughing stock of the world. Amazing there are people who do not want to call a man a man and woman a woman who have influence over corporate America to alter its business model, complying with this nonsense.

When people who don’t want to get involved, have to get involved…look out.


I can’t tell if this is satire or not but personally I am getting burnt out on these posts.

What about the people who want the two default genders? I play a male dwarf specifically to play a male dwarf… I don’t want my character referred to as “them” “they” or “it”.

I play video games to get away from political and social arguments. I play a video game to get out of reality. All I want to do is kill some freaking dragons and other fantasy creatures without people constantly screeching about this stuff in a game where you can already customize your character’s appearance and gender.

I DO support LGBTQ+, I’ve had trans, gay, and bi friends and I loved them. What tires me is what feels like attention seeking from individuals ON BOTH SIDES!

I think a good way to solve this because it’s getting really old is to just add a simple option on character creation (or to even do it like a title option in game) where you can choose your pronouns. That would be an incredibly easy thing to add in that way people who want a gender specific character like I do can be happy, and those who want to choose a different path can as well.

Also @Vanillataur, their is not inherently plural. It resembles ownership and can refer to an individual. There, they’re, their.

Edit: The reason I think this whole pronoun thing is so silly in WoW specifically is because when I hover a person’s character or shift click their name, it doesn’t specify a gender at all. It just says, " Human Paladin " Or whatever they are playing. So once you choose your appearance and body style you remain ambiguous regardless.

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