You’ll get over it
Shook, I tell you. Just shook!
I have to wait 5 hours to log in just to get misgendered every time I interact with an NPC or hover over an ability’s tooltip. Truly sad - they have only made surface level accommodations for optics and don’t seems to actually care about this issue.
I think that’s expecting a lot from a company as incompetent as modern Blizzard.
Maybe you should just go away
She presents as a female gnome. Her full name is Chronormu, which has the typical masculine suffix.
Nice joke lmao
Topics like these need to be closed, removed and the OP should recieve a temp ban from posting.
I blame Blizzard, and I know these changes have nothing to do with an honest effort on their part, they are just disgustingly disengious distractions to all the news that keeps coming out about their abysmal handling of actual workplace issues.
It’s just corporate whitewashing instead of taking real action to deal with their real failings that have hurt real people.
Not until they stop this woke nonsense. Wasting OUR money on this garbage.
Is this seriously a thing here? If you want it to say HIS, roll a male toon. If you want it to say HER, roll a female. If you want it to say “Its” roll a pug. I was wondering why male/female changed to body type. Seriously - this is a game not real life. Play to have fun, not be dramatic about everything that is NOT game-breaking.
Why do people care so much about this?
Oh man, another thread where trolls whip themselves up in a frenzy over a perceived slight yay!
" i feel unsafe "
Holy Arthas, you can’t be serious
The inconsistency kind of highlights the ridiculousness of “Body Type 1/2”. Change was made to be more inclusive and immersive for non binary people, and yet it is not inclusive OR immersive to go to an NPC and be told “He/him/she/her/they/them/it wants to see you in Orgrimmar”.
This entire endeavor was pandering and untenable. Also, even on Twitter I have yet to meet anyone that identifies as Body type 1 or 2. So what the hell has Blizz created here?
It’s male or female. Seethe + cope + ratio :honk:
This is such a big deal. Elden Ring did body type 1 and 2 as well. And it was the biggest let down this year in gaming. So many people protested and didn’t buy elden ring because of this. It was a very unsuccessful game. The woke stuff just makes an breaks a game so easily. It’s a shame elden ring didn’t sell many copies and almost no one played it because of body type 1 and 2.
Oh wait… No one cared? Everyone still bought it? One of the best selling games of 2022 so far? Uhhh what!!! Starts shaking and turns on Fox news
I haven’t played a single Souls game and even I know this is incorrect. WAIT YOU WERE BEING SARCASTIC BAHAHAHAHA. I NEED SLEEP
Yeah who really cares
This has to be bait. Noone really thinks like this…
Body types but Mommy’s milk is still in the game. right……