Incompatible servers?

trying to log into classic wow…shows all the servers as “incompatible” and when i go to log in…it instantly disconnects me.

That usualy means the client needs to update try logging in and out of the bnet app.


but im online already on my alt account…using same exact bnet app

I would try it logging in and out should fix the issue.

i did…still same issue

Log off then log back on from the app, restart your computer if needed.


Indeed. If your client is out of date you’ll usually pick up the update automatically by restarting the app. If that doesn’t happen though, you can try restarting your computer.


Yep. First check that the app is set to auto update when the game is not running. Then close it totally. Reboot the PC. Open the app again and give it 5 mins or so to see if it starts to update.

If not run scan and repair.

If that still does not work try clearing the Bnet cache and repeating the shut down and reboot procedure.

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I had a Classic patch that went through this evening. Some of those live patches will allow you to stay online, but once you log it will require installation before you can log again.


got it worked out…took a compute restart.

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I am still having this issue. I have restarted my compute, logged in and out of BNet. Not sure what to do besides re-install?

Run a scan and repair.

If that doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the Battlenet launcher.

I’m having the same problem too.

I am having a similar issue on the beta. I have reinstalled the game, ran the repair tool, checked versions, restarted computer, logged out of bnet and back in. Nothing works. Incompatible servers. Only affecting beta servers for me.

I also get the Incompatible servers error in Shadowlands Beta… Ive ran scan and repair, logged out and back in multiple times, restarted my pc multiple times, even uninstalled the game and launcher and reinstalled both… Incompatible server message is persists…
Note - only happens with Shadowlands Beta… retail and classic are fine.

Same, my BETA is still showing “Incompatible” even after I completed all the steps above.


Problem with the beta no one here can help withat that thats a seperate team that deals with beta no ticket can fix it.

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Same problem, but only on Beta

Yeh same with me beta is not working, did all the steps, and still nothing “incompatible”

I have deleted bnet app and re-installed it. I have deleted beta and re-installed it yet I am still getting incompatible server. what gives?