Incoming! Patch 10.1.7 Fury Incarnate

Look at this Forsaken Armor. This is a nice Forsaken Armor.


Not bad, too much purple. What are we Nelfs now?

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That Lordaeron crest, though.


I’m not sure how I feel about the set myself though there are pieces from it that I’ll mog with some of my Foraken characters.

I’m more curious how they will treat the questline post “Dark Lady” era of the Forsaken and hopefully not neuter so much about what I like about them to the point they’re unrecognizable from Humans.


This is a forsaken W. That armor is sick. Massive need.

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As an orc living in the post-Hellscream/WoD lore lull, good luck with that.

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Ours is going to suck so hard. I don’t want to get excited.



Agreed though, i hope they make one in the dark blue shade of the actual tabard

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That set stinks :frowning:

Like they packed it in on the chest gloves and helmet.

It is going to be some smoldering twigs from Teldressil hastily glued together.


I’ll accept that. I just worry it’s going to be, like, a full business suit.

My first real memory of HOLY **** FORSAKEN ARE COOL was the Royal Dreadguard’s shield. I still want that shield.

I too am not sure how I feel about this armor.

I am dead.

The Forsaken armor looks like the Merchant from Resident Evil 4, which is soothing to me. And I don’t know if the Forsaken want to look soothing.

they are the original citizens of lordaeron after all. and the daughter of their fallen king now is their leader.

Love the :purple_circle::purple_circle::purple_circle::purple_circle::purple_circle::purple_circle:…the more purple the better…

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So are most night elves


Yay on the Kaldorei getting heritage armor.

Luke warm on Forsaken getting it since I never played one and probably would’ve put them off for last because I’m not interested in Zombies with problematic recent history.