Inclusivity and customization

Pronouns when Blizzard? How about the option to have male or female voice lines on any body type? Any news or updates on this?

Cant wait for my character to be an arm chair.


I want disco balls summoned in every fight. Everyone must do the hustle or suffer my off key singing.

wiggles toes


If only there were some kind of genderless way of referring to body types… perhaps something like masculine or feminine


can not be worse then my singing lol


How about the option to make Talon’s toons all sound like Danny Devito

This option would be usable by all players to make Talons toon sound like their preferred voice (Danny Devito) at any given time. Since it’s usable by all players, it’s inclusive. Boom!

We are going into 2023, Blizz. Get with the times!


Your ears shall be defiled with my bars of doom. All the sharps and flats all at once will make you cringe so hard, you’ll age six months.

wiggles toes

In addition to changing language around body types, Wowhead discovered that pronoun selection may also be coming to the game in a future build

Finally, Wowhead cited an interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, who mentioned a desire to allow players to choose their character’s voices, saying it will likely come to World of Warcraft at some point

If you’re gonna post troll bait threads at least use something Blizzard hasn’t already said they’re considering.


hahaha my signing is so bad i got kicked out of my high school talent show lol


My singing was so bad, I was told to play the triangle in the kid’s choir in the Christmas play.

wiggles toes

We should team up. The havoc we will give will be astounding.


I hate data mining. People get all riled up for months and half the stuff either gets changed or never makes it to live game.


Or male and female. I learned in school that these terms have nothing to do with gender.
Makes me think… The problem with lying is having to remember what you said.


I don’t mind masculine or feminine actually. I think it’s a good idea.


This guy again. :frowning:


Pronouns should be fully customizable it’s just a text string and would be fully inclusive. There is no good reason not to let players input their own pronouns

Why do you guys still only have one joke


Best we can do is a barstool for Barney from the simpsons.

wiggles toes

I wanna be a helicopter!


Don’t worry, if you just think you are a helicopter, it will come true! Your doctor will also affirm it and recommend robot and mechanical implants to turn you into an actual helicopter!

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Op, sit down and lets talk. You need help, if you need someone to talk too there is free online counseling. You have alot of LGBT threads and its saying that, you are having trouble finding your place in the world.

I bet if you talk to the LGBT folks here and tell them you come in peace and you need someone like you to talk to they would oblige and help.

This is an unhealthy obsession, anything too much is an unhealthy obsession.


It’s a video game, don’t let that ever control you. WoW has maybe one or two expansions left.

Blizzard is wanting to know “ok this person wants stuff, but why doesn’t he play?”

A question you can only answer yourself.

Going under the same name with different spelling and want people to know it’s you, honestly I don’t know why.

Online counseling is free and the door is always open in the LGBT mega thread. It won’t hurt to seek out counseling, its private its illegal for anyone to disclose information.