Inclusivity and customization

What? You can’t read?

Go ahead, read the article you posted.


I want to ride in a helicopter before I die.
wiggles toes

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Because you guys cry to hard if we say anything else :upside_down_face:


Dang, I was hoping that it’d be an actual update to customisation, not just reposting the article that made everyone mad like a month ago.

But to reiterate.

Pronouns are good if our titles match them, there’s plenty of masculine titles that are better than feminine and vice versa (i.e. Lord of War vs Lady of War).

Body Type 1 and 2 and Voice Changers doesn’t really matter, just Blizzard catching up to more modern RPG’s on the market customization wise.

More customisation is good. :+1:

I think enough people care if the developers are teasing us with these new updates. I just want more information and details on how they plan on implementing it.

You have nothing better, than to go on these low lvl accounts and Troll?


Thats what we’re learning in school these days? What happened to history and math? lol


By all logical standards, Inclusivity generally broadens markets, which is doing the opposite of going broke.

I really really want to make a big beefy male with tiny legs and feet that has a female voice.

It’s not inclusive enough unless I can choose a super deep, angry male Japanese voice.

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Get a new joke.

So let me get this thread, blizzard thinks Women are a ‘body type’ now? Is that all women are to them? yknow a company known for harassing women, calling them a BODY?

Jesus christ man the fact that they’re being so openly misogynistic is disgusting.


What is a woman?


The only valuable post here.

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According to that documentary, you cant ask that! Brilliant post btw.


“Will likely come to Warcraft at some point” is a statement to appease people like you that want it.

But it in no way indicates a plan. It is Ion talking after all, in lawyer mode.

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“I I I”

“Me me me”

Get over yourself.


I think they only said “I” twice. Didn’t see them say “me.”

If you look at his other posts, I seriously undercounted. But thanks, “Actually Oscar”.

You should probably quote those other posts for clarity. Your post looks kind of silly right now