Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

I was so happy to play classic cause I didn’t play Vanilla. I even had a female troll mage once during Legion.

Then, I saw this and was like zomg! Even Quake monsters are more attractive.

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I want to flip a couple of my Horde to Alliance then move them and about five other existing Ally to a different server. It won’t happen though because it costs way too much for their automated services. So they’re all parked.

The rewards for warmode is getting to do world pvp.

You are entitled to nothing.

You play Alliance in BFA.

That and…the undetermined percentage of WoW players who are, like myself, female wanted to play a character that didn’t look like a monster or an animal. Women joined the Horde when Belves were introduced.

That…and paladins.

Edited to add: They really missed the boat on trolls. Female trolls are STACKED (I say this as a straight female) and if they’d given us more than one face option and allowed us to wear shoes (or attempted to make the feet look remotely non-hideous), I’d roll a troll every day.


It’s the face that wins it for me haha, it’s so derp I love it! Haha

None, they should even take away the AOO quest.

My fresh 120 Alliance alt was able to pull out a raid gear quality item from his bum by sitting at a neutral flight path with another bunch of Alliance, that’s just dumb.


You still decided to do it.

And be handed free loot.


For sure, I am not about to let all of Blizzards work in implementing yet another wonderful option to gear go to waste.

High Elves will be our salvation.

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Even something subtle would be cool. Like, if you are max level in one faction you can use that factions toys and mounts.
The achievement was nice, more of that.

With BFA I play Alliance because …Boralus vs Troll City…not even a contest.

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Method or Limit should change to Alliance… We need an Alliance guild to be a number one too

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There’s no way to fix factions, outside of outright removal.

The scales have been tipped too far and there’s no point in even attempting an Alliance revival. All that we can hope for is that the faction barriers drop, so Alliance players can actually play the endgame.

30% increased rewards on everything you do, oh wait!!

Oh these threads :popcorn:

Well, Alliance haven’t done anything cool since WC3 and now Sylvannas basically has her own anime at this point where she keeps leveling up and gaining new abilities.

Horde favoritism has always been prevalent and eventually the players jumped on the bandwagon. I don’t mind people who genuinely enjoy Horde, I do think Blood Elves are fake Horde and are just Alliance players who won’t cop to it. And there is a contingent of people who are so bland and basic IRL that their only source of personality is picking an “unusual” RPG faction/race.

The only good racials on alliance are Velf and the Dwarves, now that humans got butchered.

OR a brand new guild should actually join the race and give those two guilds a run for their money. We are due for more guilds to actually join that top competition.


As for the topic, maybe give alliance more unique, savage and beastly races? I have a total of 9 characters, 1 of them was a night elf DH who got race changed into a blood elf (which I never played after changing it), and the other 8 of them are all worgens.

I have every Class and every Race on the Alliance side, and three 120’s. I love laying my Alliance Alts.

But I Main Horde, and prefer Horde. As others here have said, it’s a matter of enticing Alliance Mains. :slight_smile: