Incentives to pick an alliance Alt

There should be an incentive to the lower population faction on everything. XP, gold, drops, maybe even damage/healing. Might make for some degenerate behavior in the short term, but long term it could stabilize everything.

Originally? 100%

I started Horde because… MINOTAURS AND ZOMBIES? YES!
That was along time ago though.

oh yknow a huge one would be if worgen got tails. gurantee you about half of the vulpera playerbase (which is getting kinda big now) would play ally instead for the worgen tails

High elves!

The only incentive Alliance needs.

Unlock every class option for the floozy goats. /stealth waggle. /demonic waggle.

That’ll fix everything.


The forums are made of hardcore players with 30 alts, they are the farthest away from new player mentality.
Blood Elves were given to the Horde exactly because the Alliance was outnumbering them in a worrying scale. I remember a dev saying horde players complained their girlfriends wouldn’t play with them because their races were ugly, for example.

I would legit shell out money to race change my rogue to a space goat if I could.

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Yeah since TBC it’s been “oh, I can play a pretty elf and be on the more popular faction? horde it is!”

drood waggle


If you don’t trust their official numbers, then don’t play their game.

Blizz have been working on it since 2018 according to Ion. IMO the faction symbol next to the character might mean there may no longer be normal factions after the time skip following Shadowlands, but who knows. But the faction symbols don’t actually serve a purpose unless they’re planning on melding the factions in some way.

well if thats true i cant imagine how many girlfriends immediatly wswitched to vulpera

Well, yea. All the waggles! Would every form be an actual goat though? I feel like it’d have to be.

Just make PvP a mercenary system where both factions fight each other with all the races.
I mean PvP already assumes the player is a merc/adventurer outside the official military, so go all the way with the idea. I mean even in BFA the Horde hired kul tiran pirates.

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star goat, talbuk goat, leaf goat, chitinous goat, and winged goat.


SPACE goat :eyes:

The cure for this has to be. If you don’t provide SOME kind of incentive that is so good that it makes Horde players annoyed or worse, then it isn’t good enough to get people to choose ally over horde.

star goat

Coming win with obligatory “My main is an Ally” also the majority of my 120s are alliance side.

or yknow givew the alliance a good race instead of more gnomes