<INCARNATION> [A] [PvP] [West Coast] Recruiting

Still looking.

Toast, eggs and bacon for breakfast. Not hungry right meow.

Still looking for: Priests, Warriors (Tanks), Pally,Locks, Rogue.

Just had Red Robin for dinner. Not hungry right now.

High Recruit Prio: Warriors, Priest. All exceptional player considered.

No Hunters, sorry.

I was on the fence about either warrior or rogue. My GF will be a priest. I have experience with MC, BWL (was part of progression group and we cleared it before it was nerfed) and a little AQ40. The guild broke up around that time so I ended up quitting for a little bit and then TBC came out.

I only raided on my rogue for MC+ but would like to play Warrior (prefer to DPS but am fine with off tank as long as I can get gear to PVP with as that is my end goal).

I pick up things very fast and will add you to talk more when I get home. Your raiding schedule falls in line with my schedule for work!

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Good to hear @Tonoend give me an add or just hop in Discord and we will speak more there!

Added you, my Bnet name is Laidtowaste :slight_smile:

Still LF exceptional players. Highest priority is war tanks rn, but accepting all exceptional applicants!

Still Looking, le bump.

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LF an exceptional RDruid/OT for GM group PM.

LF Rdruid/OT for GM group and hpal. All other exceptional players considered as well. Trials soon!

If you are still looking for a restodruid flag carrier, I added you on bnet. I can go over my experience and ect…

Still Open!

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Hello! Are you guys going to be playing on a eastern time frame server or a western? And for raid groups how many people do you guys currently have signed up for launch? Thanks, :slight_smile:

It’ll be west coast, close to full roster, but this means nothing as spots will be competitive (earn it). So just because someone signs up months in advance from you on the roster he’ll get an advantage only if he/she performs on par or better.


Bumpski my lumpski

So many guild bumps, were are all the faction hating world pvp guilds at.

no idea check reddit haha

Still need Warriors, Priests & Pallys