(All exceptional players considered however)^^
I’m curious, how many people you already have?
I’m interested. Going to be playing a Dwarf Healing Priest that will dabble in Shadow.
We have 2 dozen trials atm. We do also have a dedicated shadow for raids come time for it, but are always looking for qualified priests to join!
If you are interested head on over to the guild Discord/website and apply there.
Website: incarnationguild
Discord: /St9mCuP
Bump for more!
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warriors, Priest, Pally
Medium: Mage Lock Rogue
Low:Hunter Druid
Still Looking!
Bump for most! Still looking for more peeps!
I already hate all of you and hope we end up on the same server so the might of the horde eats at your very soul.
Thank you? I guess
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warriors, Priest, Pally
Medium: Mage Lock Rogue
Low:Hunter Druid
Mic check 1 2 1 2
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warrior, Hpal
Medium: Mage, Lock, Rogue
Low:Hunter, Druid
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warrior, Hpal
Medium: Mage, Lock, Rogue
Low:Hunter, Druid
I see hunter priority is low. Just curious if there’s any room? My experience in wow is multi gladiator, mythic raider. I began all the way back in classic beta I raided all of molten core,bwl and aw 40 with some server first kills. Did about half of Naxx before stepping away from wow in classic.
My availability is high due to having a flexible job. Would be consistent with showing up for raids and bgs. Let me know
Hey Shaytime sorry for the late response, but to answer your question there is always an availability for all high skilled players regardless of class. No1 is guaranteed anything in terms of raiding spots, you have to earn it initially. So if you feel you’ll thrive in this type of competitive environment hop in the discord and throw in an application. We’d love to hear from you!
Bump before bed!
Still looking for more : Warriors, Mages and pallys!
Adding you on discord would love to chat.
Raided up to mid AQ 40 in vanilla and would love to be an OT / dps warrior.
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warriors, Mage, Pally
Medium: Lock, Rogue, Priest
Low:Hunter Druid
I’m very interested in your guild. I plan to play a MT/OT warrior exclusively in PvE, and at least semi-hardcore Arms PvP. I’d also be joining with my holy paladin best friend who is equally experienced and skilled. The raid schedule is exactly what we’re looking for.
I raided hardcore from the beginning of Vanilla through the end of BC, and also played somewhat hardcore in Wrath and Cata. My goal is to get back into hardcore raiding as a top end guild’s MT and relive my glory days at least until Naxx is on farm. I’d also like to make an attempt at Grand Marshal at some point during the next 2 years.
We’re both min/maxers and perfectionists, had 100% raid attendance, in our mid 30’s, self employed, and drama-free. If you’re looking for a reliable MT and healer for your A team, look no further.
Good to hear!
Hop on the guild website you and your friend and complete an application, then we’ll get you guys into a channel to chat!
Look forward to hearing from you both!
Still on the hunt for those interested!
Raid days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday clean up if necessary
High Priority: Warriors, Mage, Pally
Medium: Lock, Rogue, Priest
Low:Hunter Druid