<INCARNATION> [A] [PvP] [West Coast] Recruiting

Bump for more peeps.

High Recruiting Prio: Warlocks, Warriors,Priests
Medium Recruiting Prio: Rogue
Low Priority: Hunter,Mage,Druid,Pally

Still unsure if I want to play on a PVP or PVE realm (I have some plans that would get ruined in PVP so having to weight the pros and cons) but I may be interested! The guild name also matched my own guild on retail soooo xD

@Joriti its meant to be jor gimme a bnet add whenever we’ll talk.

I am looking to come back to wow classic and playing a human warrior.The raid times are perfect and was wondering if they are tanks positions open? Have experience up the Patchwerk in 40 man Naxx, but not much afterwards.

Looking forward to contributing to this guild!

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I’m hungry. Not for kills or anything. I mean, I’m literally hungry.

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Still LF: Locks,Priest,Wars

I’m still hungry.

Bump lets get it


@Kithkaid Replying on the forum wouldn’t do myself justice, had to make a toon on your server but unfortunately weren’t online. Gimme an add mate. PS. dont see too many of those Atiesh’s on live!

Just logged on now.

Logon tag I see. Paramedic#11585

I’m hungry.

What time is it? Time for breakfast.

What time is it? Time for lunch.

Still LF exceptional players.

Who just had breakfast? This guy!

Add all 3. Looking forward to talking to you.