Inc Buffs for BM and Survival

In raid you have auto spot with hunter mark, and bm dr looking to pump in st with PI

You realize you don’t have to respond to every single post on this forum right?

Clearly I just switched. Troll.


You do realize this is my thread right?

And I don’t post on every thread. Just the ones where people say really stupid things.

You realize you can play more than one spec at one time right?

Like I change which spec I’m playing depending on the content I’m doing.

No way! Man thanks. What a wealth of knowledge you are!

In other words switched the spec I’m gearing for and focusing on. You really don’t need to respond to every post everyone makes. Especially just to post snark man.


According to you 99% of posts are stupid. Maybe if I were you I’d pick a new forum where I didn’t loathe everything. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Passive aggressive much?

Because swapping from BM to MM is that complicated? Lol
It’s a conversation in a thread I made. Are you new to how forums work?

I have never said 99%. Imagine making up numbers because you’re caught in your feelings.

:roll_eyes: it’s called speaking in generalizations. If I’d said 67% or some number that actually seemed probable maybe you’d have a point?

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It’s not even a generalization.

You just made a random argument because you got mad over what I said.

What is there to focus on? It’s incredibly easy to play all 3 specs as long as u pick up a spear for sv

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Further proving they don’t listen to a damn thing. Is anyone even using Pack leader?

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Been using a spear I got for survival in open world content to get used to bindings as my exp with survival is practically nill.

Been a blast

TBH most people complaining should be ignored.

PL has low key/delve builds and open world builds

They buffed it because its behind

Muscle memory for keybinds. Stat priority.

Wow is a veeeery small part of my life. I don’t wanna jump back and forth constantly. I prefer to stick to one at a time at least for a season.

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You dont use the same bind setup for each spec/class?

Like all of my defensive binds are v/shiftv/control v no matter what class i play

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They are mostly the same. But there are plenty that aren’t the same. Also play style is different and I just prefer go into autopilot rather than switching around a lot. Personal preference.

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I don’t mind playing Survival for a change of pace; however, MM is too slow for my liking. I prefer to be able to focus on a single spec than having to change my play-style to fit the content.

Each spec can have a strength, but they should all be close enough to what they can deliver that it’s only marginal difference.

That’s why we get these situations that only one spec is the best and you need to learn it or be left behind. Even when the differences are small, players will most always go straight to the supposedly best spec. Even if it’s lower the end trivial content, people think it still requires only high-end.

Not just the first, but of the few. The few, the shameful, the Dirtbag Marines.

You take advice from those who are succeeding, not failing. I’ve been taught that a long time ago.

I hate that KC is tied to Survival for Pack Leader. It feels awful to use (imo). Why would our builder be the focal point? Should proc off Raptor/Mongoose. And why is there so many talents with only BM truly in mind? Can’t get proper use of Wild Attacks because there is only few ways to get AS on pets. Frenzied tear is dumb for the same reason because you get less procs for just playing Survival and no compensation. You’re gimped again for Furious Assault because you just get less procs.

The tree is uninspired but so is one like Slayer for Arms and Fury with emphasis on Execute but it just works because of the ability itself.

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How do I know you’re succeeding though? I have yet to be proven of that
Unless you’re bicmex?

Textbook answer: I follow the succeeders. If I emulate Bicmex’s example, I too would be just like Bicmex. That’s how schools are formed, how “clones” are formed. I’m of a different school of Marksmanship.

Not unlike Rock Lee and Might Guy of Naruto, which I believe I’ve said months prior. Rock Lee was the strongest NORMAL HUMAN shinobi of his peers in the entire series, after all. So yes, emulating Might Guy comes with successes?

He’s not. They have this massive delusion going on where they tell themselves they are the best MM hunters in the game.

Best not to engage at all.