Linked from the general forums.
buff the unused bm hero tree by such a small margin that it remains unused, gj blizzard
Absolutely miniscule buff that won’t make PL competitive with DR and does nothing to fix the AoE problem BM has right now. Just disappointing.
You mean the fact that mobs die too fast?
BMs aoe is “awful” right now because it has to ramp up and most targets die too quickly.
It wont be MM or survival good but it honestly shouldn’t be.
Uh no, nobody said bm’s damage was TOO GOOD and that’s why it’s aoe is bad.
Nobody has ever said that.
Sure, it’s worse at the moment, but it’s still not going to be good compared to other classes/specs when things aren’t dying so quickly.
But I’m also not interested in having a discussion about this with someone who thinks BM shouldn’t be on par with MM or SV so
What most targets? You mean the normal and heroic dungeon stuff? That’s cute. I’m glad you won’t be around for M+ where it really matters.
Even when m+ comes out and mobs live longer, bm is still one of the worst aoe in the game.
Our damage was way overtuned in prepatch. What are you even talking about?
I’m not saying it’s going to be MM or Survival level of good and honestly it shouldn’t be.
Hey I’m still having loads of fun and laying waste to noobs in and out of bgs as survival. Just thought I’d share with you cause we friends and stuff.
We were talking about the BM and PvE side of this presently.
That’s great that all the random AoE damage you do has its wondrous effect. I doubt that’s the same story for Arena where you have to know how to drop one person. We already talked about this, haven’t we?
Not for nothing, but this is low-hanging fruit. Eventually, you’ll get bored of BGs but also too weak to climb higher. I don’t know how solo queue Rates BGs would be different either. Maybe that’ll work out nicely for you. However, you might want to lend your voice towards the problems I highlighted before the
derails and you can’t put it back on track.
Not enough to stop me switching to MM - RIP BM until they actually fix pet issues.
its not even close to enough for BM but I like the survival buff
same top 3-5 every BG sometimes top.
You do realize you can play more than one spec right?
Y’all acting like bm is unplayable
its not unplayable but as a class it wont be the first girl asked to the dance.
Well not many are geared yet, or much at all, so arenas have been pretty fun too. We’ll see how it fairs come when everyone is end game geared in conq with gems/sockets.
I don’t think weve talked about arena much, no.
and im casual as heck. i only ever get 1800 for the set. (literally got 1800 on a few chars for the first time last s4 in Dragonlands). My goals however this season are to go above 2k, which I think will be manageable.
yupp. im stomping in arenas too. just plain hard to kill. unless its against some sweaties. which happens.
Anything hunter related said by is to should be ignored.
They have absolutely zero clue what they are talking about.
You’re not the first person that’s said that lol. I’m starting to get worried.