In youre our opinion what can save solo shuffle?

Was this one meant to be an insult? Hard to tell as I lack the context on who “Dozer” is.

I literally cannot comprehend what you are saying here? Do you think I’m someone else?

The hunter

No shot

It’s the Hunter who asks what avg mmr is for the past 5 years because he missed free glad twice and crashed out.

And here you see Kennie losing touch with reality. He has spent so much time on the forums that he thinks everyone knows who certain players are.

My main posts daily since bfa

I literally do not know who that is, nor have I ever heard of this scenario. Sorry :dracthyr_shrug:

It’s picking on grammar mistake while shaming another poster at the same time. Yet Nas thinks he is the noblest poster on the forums.

Nas is 100% the most noble poster. :dracthyr_love_animated:

Nah, he just likes to be perceived as such. He is just another forum poster who indulges on trolling from now and then. One of us, one of us.

Honestly? I’ve said this earlier. I have found Nas to be mostly level headed in discussion, even if I don’t agree with him on everything. Kennie on the other hand. Oof.

Nah, he don’t care. He just tryna help.

Even if people don’t deserve it.

Nah. Completely off the mark. Entirely.

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Seen plenty of shade thrown by Nas to the “unmentionables”, the outcasts and dropkicks, the ones not liked by the Hivemind.

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People who fight for their life against all facts and the advice of good intentioned better players deserve little love and support yet receive it from Nas

Actually bewildering

Is this hivemind in the thread with us right now

This is so strange man.

Number go up.

Oi, put that like back.

In no way is this shaming, dude.

You’ve got the weirdest vendetta against me o.O

Not at all. Dozer is krispyflayz the hunter and brookz the dk (his main is a warrior named dozer) and he regularly uses “you’re” instead of “your” because he knows it bugs people; it’s part of his shtick. That’s what I was alluding to.

I’m not shaming anyone, man. Flap accidentally made his post look like a dozer post is all. There’s nothing good or bad about that, it just is. Also, i don’t have any asperations or allusions to be “noble”. I kust like to help people out and have conversations o.O

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Ok that’s hilarious! Just a simple mistake on my end :smiley:


Such a loving bunch they are.

Mocking dozer’s dyslexia?? How daaare u, and a therapist of all people.

Don’t have a vendetta, I just want u to admit you do throw unnecessary comments about certain people in a indirect manner.

Exp is relevant

In correlation to?