In your opinion what is the top list strongest class lorewise?

I’m seeing a lot of people saying Warlock. Why?

OP’s question was which class is most powerful/strongest in regard to lore.

Not spec, lore.

I have a warlock yet I don’t recall any of their lore. I played Legion, got the class hall and still don’t recall the lore.
I do remember meeting Drak’thul though and my alli server is named after him and what he said was interesting but that’s about it.

So why are warlocks seemingly so strong regarding lore?

I had no idea. That’s actually kind of funny. :joy:

If it’s not a tie between all Race / Class / Spec options, the Dev’s have failed to balance the game properly.

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They also specified, “On Average,” to which I agree with others since your, ‘average,’ warlock probably isn’t very strong. Most get corrupted/killed by their own demons long before they gain significant power.

Even if we’re not going by, ‘On Average,’ but which class is the most powerful in general, I’d still give it to mage. At the end of the day, Chronomancy is all kinds of OP, and it’s under the jurisdiction of Arcane Magic.

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yall zombies

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Even on the free the blood efl dk run Thassarian goes we don’t do horde or allaince faction. we just kind of work with them.

I liked that jail break run more on my blood elf DK than my NE or VE one. I didn’t vote for the sylvanas as war chief. So it has that rebellious attitude aspect to it.

well that and we were arthas’ chosen champions. Follow a banshee’s ways? Hell no…we run this undead gig.

My dad can beat up your dad

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Bceause warlock is like a mage that went to the bad way in exchange of power. So If I am a mage and I want more power, no matter the cost then I go Warlock

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10000% canon warlocks are insane. Gul’dan one-shot a race to power a portal.

The guardian of Tirisfal is an absolute power monster.

I don’t really think so. The only OP one is the lich king and that was because of his crown AND his sword.

ehhhhhh Tirion and Uther were cool but they never hit the demigod status some of the other guys are at. Same for any notable priests. Maybe that one guy that went berserk in the end times.

Shaman imo same boat as pallys. Lots of strong guys but nobody really nuclear I can think of to refer to.

Broxigar gets honorable mention for smacking Sargeras.


You can’t ask for the strongest class lorewise and then exclude people from mentioning characters from the lore that represent those classes.

Druids definitely might be up there in terms of potential

But he wasn’t the hero/top druid during that time… he was actually an apprentice level during the war of the ancients and his emotions just broke his limits. That was the point I was referencing of a druid going crazy

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You mentioned Prot Paladin twice. Was that on purpose (like, if they’re smart vs. if they’re not)?

And yet despite the warlocks unprecedented power, they cannot summon a pitlord. Maybe they’re holding back like void elves.

And then you have void warlocks

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One cannot simply measure class strength, it heavily varies between skills and artifacts they uses.

Mages and Warlocks seems to benefit from their limitless potential.

Demon Hunter utilize both internal and external power.

Lorewise the most Weakest Class I’ll have to say would be Death Knights; due to their very limited potential and lack of canonical Healing Factor; preventing them from even benefiting from the Natural power gain know as Wolff’s Law.

The Average Death Knight’s physical muscle mass or “lack there of” are commonly seen as being flimsy malnourished and physically weak; if not a image of its former self; which eventually degrades over time.

Death Knights could also be permanently placed out of commission if a limb gets broken.

While a Death Knight’s power remain the same since the day they are risen, any class can potentially surpass them. I do not really know what makes Death Knight special, but any Arm Warrior, Frost Mage, or Affliction Warlock who takes effort in own training could become a far more superior class than a Death Knight.

A Death Knight’s feeble Weakness, Fragile bodies that could be easily broken by Solid Stone, and not to forget their very important Status as mere Fodder must never be altered or else it threatens the very identity of the World of Warcraft.

I always find concepts of feralized savages climbing their way up to nobility to be quite Fascinating. However for Death Knights, things seems to be in the opposite direction for them.

Lore wise i’d say Pallies, DK’s, DH’s and warlocks are the strongest. I’m basing this on lore heroes ofc.

Close behind i’d put Archdruids and Archmages - only because the above classes could easily kill them.

Mage -boom boom pow :fire: :cloud_with_snow: :eggplant:

Based strictly on LORE:

  1. Demon Hunter
  2. Monk
  3. Death Knight
  4. Warlock
  5. Shaman
  6. Druid
  7. Rogue
  8. Hunter
  9. Mage
  10. Warrior
  11. Paladin
  12. Priest

We know Warrior > Druid

Malfurion… the “most powerful” Druid tried to kill Saurfang by dropping a building on him and Saurfang didn’t even get a sprained wrist.

On the flip side, Saurfang threw an axe so hard at Malfurion that Malfurion almost died and needed his mommy to come save him.

I don’t think Malf wanted to kill Saurfang that time, (if it’s the one I’m thinking of, where you see it while in a tavern in Org).

I think Malf was warning Saurfang with the intent he’d take the message back to the horde.