In your opinion what is the top list strongest class lorewise?

In terms of “average” member…

I guess I would go with Warlocks, but not primarily because Warlocks are just so inherently uber strong, but rather, they come in-built with an anti-suck feature.

You can be a bad-mediocre member of a lot of classes, but Warlock is a class where if you’re not awesome, you’re dead if you’re lucky, worse if you’re not. Warlocks have to be good at what they do, or they don’t get to be warlocks long enough to be counted.

That said, it also means that the overall number of warlocks out there is going to be insignificant, and their power as a group effectively non-existent. Yeah, your baseline warlock might be three times as talented as your baseline mage, but there are probably dozens of average mages for every single warlock.

Really, this applies for all classes with a minimum operating level. Demon Hunters who suck get eaten by their own inner demons. Death Knights who can’t hack it are likewise going to be disposed of. When being mediocre is a death sentence, the standards for average is going to be much higher. But… accepting only the best means overall, you’re going to be left with very few resources and people to actually accomplish anything as a whole.

The most powerful class on average? Warlocks. The most powerful class overall? Through sheer numbers, probably the Warrior.


Hard to say. I’m not super knowledgeable, but I think the most we ever see a classes power level is through the lore representative, like Illidan, Jaina, Malfurion, Arthas, etc. And they’re all op and their power levels change to fit whatever narrative Blizzard is making.

It’s probably a safe bet to place the hero classes near the top though. DKs are pretty powerful, same with DHs. And according to Illidan in the DH starting zone they can even be undying like demons because they regenerate in the twisting nether, cause demon souls or whatever he says

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Here is why I disagree… balance druids are scary… sending insects to eat you from the insides, causing roots to jut down around your throat or sporking out eyes, causing leaves to hurl at you so they are like knives, summoning treants aka literal trees to distract you while they do all these things and that’s not even the lunar or solar magic they have…


I draw likeliness of the sith to locks and the Jedi to mages…

Locks are more powerful baseline (a good arcane mage can compete or even excel a good lock though) and they are all about anything goes to sacrifice for that power.

Most mages are held back by their anti taboo beliefs

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I mostly agree, druids are scary when they are pissed of… if druid is balance they can practically throw moons at your face.

Malfurion wasn’t a master druid yet and when he saw molorne die, he got angry enough to almost tear archimonde apart, whom just broke cenarius’s dads neck.

But aren’t most balance druids just a buffed moonkin? I’m talking about average, and they are mostly forest keepers. Regarding potential, I do agree they are really OP.

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I can say that average is highly subjective and I agree with you that you can debate that the potential is scary in situation x for any of the magic users.

Nobody mentions about shadowpriest? I think those guys are scarier than any druid or mage even if they are more powerful than average

The list should be based on specs:

  1. Destro Warlock
  2. Demo warlock
  3. Shadow priest
  4. Arcane Mage
  5. Balance druid (few druids are balance)
  6. Fire mage
  7. Frost mage /affliction warlock
  8. Havoc/veng Demon hunter
  9. All Death knights
  10. Ret Paladin
  11. Elemental shaman
  12. Disc priest
  13. Enh Shaman
  14. Prot paladin
  15. Sub rogue (They use shadow magic)
  16. Feral druid (most druids are feral)
  17. Prot paladin
  18. Holy Paladin/Holy priest
  19. Sin Rogue
  20. Resto druid
  21. All hunter
  22. All Warrior
  23. Outlaw rogue

Really, Shaman would be in the top 3 if not the number 1 spot.

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I see big difference between feral druid and balance druid
and I see a big difference between holy priest and shadow priest.

Shadow priest and balance druids are as strong as a warlock/mage.

While feral and holy are pretty weak (at least in combat)


warlock >>>> others

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Skip to 5:20 and 6:50 to get your answer :rofl:

Deathknights… it’s not just a class, it’s a faction, it practically has its own Covenant… it had its own expansion, and heavy in this expansion.

Pally… so many named NPCs, Silver Cov, Light’s Hope, Argent Dawn and Crusade…

Most of the rest, have a named toon or two… a couple classes I can’t think of a single named npc…


I’d probably put Mage at the top of the list, but only because we’re going by the standards of, ‘Average Adventurer.’

The average warlock is going to succumb to corruption and the will of their own demons. Its only the exceptional that rise to power.

I imagine the average priest to be a good healer, but not much more than that, typically.

Your average Druid will be strong, but I’m not sure if they could outclass an average mage.

It’s one of those things where Arcane Magic is steady enough that being average at it already sets you up pretty strongly. Teleportation and Portals are considered beginner level stuff according to some of the lore books in Dalaran. If punching holes in reality and bending spacetime to your will to enable instant transport to your desired location is stuff a mere student could do, it already puts your, ‘average,’ mage on a high pedestal.

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These were very interesting points, thanks for that.

1: Warlock

2: Mage

3: Paladin

4: Warrior

5: Shaman

6: Druid

7: Priest

8: Rogue

9: Hunter

10: Death Knight

11: Monk

12: Demon Hunter

What about Broxigar and Toranaar? i need a basis for what constitutes as OP.

Lorewise? Idk.

I remember the DK lore, beginning to current but am still fuzzy on some parts of it.

Hunters have always been a thing, I think they have some interesting lore because of the dark rangers and stuff like that and there’s others, like shaman and Thrall is a shaman, druids, etc… but again, I suck at the lore.

The class that stands out to me regardless of lore is the rogue. While they can be the squishiest and can take the most time to get good at, they use very little magic and if played well are formidable. Especially in pvp.

Well, a single warlock did destroy the planet of Draenor and turned it into Outland so there is that little fun fact.

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