In shock, Ion said NO FLYING, and PATHFINDER AGAIN

I didnt know Paul Joesph Watson played WoW, but I guess he is OP.

dude, wow. Sarcasm and context are foreign concepts to you.

When I said that the devs were “laughing their way to the bank” I didnt have quarterly earnings in mind at all. What I did have in mind was to paint and absurdly surreal portrait of evil malevolent game developers who make WoW deliberately suck so they can troll players all while spending their subscription money on things like sports cars and fancy clothes.

Absurd. Surreal. Completely preposterous to imagine…which is the point I was making when answering another persons post about the Dev’s making pathfinder a thing soley out of “spite”

I may be having an “Ok Boomer” moment here, but in my day, public schools taught reading comprehension skills. But I guess a Devos Diploma doesn’t require such things.

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funny this thread has no flying in it and its not flagged as trolling yet when i post a thread about no land mounts it gets flagged as trolling and removed.

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Totally agree, I understand time gating it, but the pathfinder is just obnoxious. There is plenty to do in this game. If they feel they can’t create new content engaging enough to keep people logging in and need to rely on this carrot on a stick, maybe they need to just stop making expansions.


I’m not a fan of the pathfinder achievements but I wouldn’t mind them if you could complete them while questing and leveling. It’s the mindless boring grinding of the same daily quest everyday for weeks that kills it for me. They’re not gonna change so I’m not going to buy any future expansions. You want them to really listen, keep your money in your wallet.


This. Bam right here Gents. Is why Pathfinder is still a thing. It means enough of us are willing to deal with not getting instant gratification.

I’ve never been able to determine sarcastic comments appropriately. /sorry just something I’m not good at getting. I’m use to people speaking their mind and clearly stating their thoughts.

It’s not instant gratification for me. I’m fighting for what I feel is a quality of life feature in the game. One that I enjoy. Not forcing anyone to get off their ground mount.

I don’t PVP and I’m on a PVE server so I’m not hurting PVP’ers. Sadly Warlords pretty much KILLEd PVP’er’s arguments.

It was the expansion we were longest on the ground for and had the least PVP and the most tears being shed on the forums at the time about the lack of PVP occurring and lack of people visible in game.


We all know you’re going to buy the expansion anyways.

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Maybe once it goes on clearance a time or two. Like BFA did.

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I’m so sick of hearing “instant gratification”. Not one single person called it that when we got flying right at max level. Wanting a basic feature available to you when it was available to you in the past is not wanting “instant gratification”.


That wasn’t because of no flying. That was because there was zero reason to leave the garrison at max level.

So the people complaining about dead wpvp were too lazy to leave their garrison…to wpvp? That makes zero sense.

He always digs his heals in at the beginning of an expac. Then the bosses will sit him down, tell him the money is in flying to keep people subbed, he will be stubborn. Then all of the sudden pathfinder is there. Hopefully this time they will actually force him to not time gate so badly.
Oh I am talking about Ion. Or Hozzy as I like to think of him.

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WPVP in WoD with the Coliseum stuff wasn’t bad. Not sure what you are talking about. Lots of bad things about WoD, but PvP was not one of them.

I was responding to the person that cited garrisons were the reason for lack of people in the world. I actually did some pvp in WoD and it wasn’t too bad.

Times change Old Man.

Doesn’t matter if times change. Asking for a feature we had before not to be gated to hell isn’t remotely asking for “instant gratification”.


Well it was, but that has nothing to do with PvP. PvE players weren’t in the world because there was nothing to do in the world.

Wouldn’t that mean wpvp isn’t popular enough for people to actively seek out?

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It is, You want to fly instantly and circumstances dictate that this not be allowed atm. It’s been what? 6 years since WoD, Pathfinders been here, it works. It’s a compromise between the Devs vision and the players wants. You and a few others just can’t accept reality and are on this forum, kicking cans and dirt trying to raise the biggest stink possible but its failing. People dont care enough to effect blizzards bottom line.

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