You’re shocked that we’re going into our fourth Pathfinder expansion?
This is surprising to you?
You’re shocked that we’re going into our fourth Pathfinder expansion?
This is surprising to you?
I don’t mind Pathfinder, it the year wait I hate.
It really shocks me how many people defend pathfinder. Its like its a cult. Who the hell find this type of timesink fun? Might as well have pathfinder for running and ground mounts too…
I guess some people get off on statistics alone, so there are all types out there, but god almight I cannot think of anything less fun than grinding for hours each and ever expansion for something I already had the expansion before it. And its an ability, its not even gear.
You guys must be the real life of the party.
We all know it’s a bad idea to encourage more pay options, but yeah I’m with you. If they added Pathfinder unlocked already if you buy the $80 version of the game Is buy it just to skip Pathfinder.
Or if there was an option to just buy the unlock up front, again I’d buy it. Pathfinder is a piece of **** that I ****** hate with a burning passion!
LOL, As if riding thru the game on the ground is some how playing the game and flying over it is not… Please man, where do you get this logic? Perhaps they should just add more birds with a HUGE agro zone that will attack you in the air and force you to the ground and make you fight them? What Blizzard lacks is imagination in this regard. It is clear the move is not about immersion and very much so about making you spend your time avoiding the mobs on the ground.
I love BfA and don’t think it’s a disaster at all. I also don’t have a problem with Pathfinder and he didn’t say NO FLYING. We’ll get flying like we have the last few expacs.
When people specifically state that they hate doing the things required, such as doing quests, or getting rather simple reps up (“rep grind”, lol), then it sounds like you don’t actually like playing the game. You just want to fly up and sight see.
Ah yes, BfA with flying day 1 would have been the greatest expansion of all times. See you next thread, where we blame another irrelevant feature for BfA’s woes!
So grinding rep, doing the same quest over and over and over is more playing the game than sight seeing and exploring the game and its vast beauty and possibly hidden content? Content that could and should be included in areas that are not reachable from the ground. You lack imagination sir.
I don’t mind pathfinder 1. It’s part 2 that I don’t like.
How is this a shock to you?
Q: How’s flying going to work in Shadowlands?
A: Same way it has for the last few expansions - this is a compromise. It’s a contentious issue - explore from ground to begin with and then fly in later patches.
I do love that you had to add that second part because the first part can be done on the ground, easily. And in fact, if you’re NOT exploring on the ground, then you stating you want to explore is a hollow statement.
Look, I get it that you love the complete safety of flying and being able to poke around, but don’t pretend that it’s some tool that you need to use to explore.
I would like to do both explore the ground and the air. Why on earth would the enemy not use the air? Are the denizens of Azeroth one dimensional and unable to think of what advantage they would obtain from flying? Why not have a fortress or hidden treasure trove highly guarded in a high mountain cave? Why would they not use the air to strengthen their defenses and make it hard to those on the ground to destroy their bases of operation? Your strawman is not doing so well, it is easy to counter, you act as if you are having a hard time on the ground, once you have a little bit of gear it’s not hard anymore, you’re not riding around in danger as you pretend you are.
He said complete safety of flying. He is a pvp’er. He want’s more world pvp so ground everyone.
I would even be fine with them not letting us have flying for a full year into the expansion, as long as they just unlock it after that time so that everyone is on a level playing field.
I have no desire to spend countless hours grinding out rep to unlock it every single time. Its not fun at all. Its like Groundhog day.
This way they can force us to experience their fun terrain, with us falling to our deaths and being chain dazed, I don’t have to hide the fact to my normal real life friends that I spend hundreds of hours each expansion doing boring repetitive world quests for the ability to fly in a game where I got flying last expansion.
Everybody wins! Well except those losers who want any and every advantage over the rest of us, and want to beat us to death with boring monotonous content so they can claim superiority in a 15 year old videogame…
Pathfinder isn’t bad. The spiteful time gate between parts 1 and 2 before you can actually fly is the real problem.
Real talk. I hate this system, but we’ve had it for three expansions now, if you hate it that much, why are you still here?
So, you actually think NPCs are a danger to you when you’re flying? PvPers at least have an item to knock you off your flying mount. I can fly right over NPCs heads and they can’t do anything to me. That is what I’m talking about. Flying literally takes you away from the world into actual “friendly skies”.
Are you asking a question that we all know the answer to? We already know that they don’t use the air. We already know that they don’t use flying as an advantage. Where have you been? I mean, if you want to make suggestions that that happen, that’s one thing, but that doesn’t happen in zones where we can fly.
And then you go around and go against the statement of flying being dangerous. I mean, what do you want? You want to claim that flying can be dangerous (even though it definitely is not) but turn around and go “Yeah, it’s not going to be dangerous on the ground!!!” as if your previous argument didn’t exist.
When people are surprised that the obvious actually happened
Npc’s? I never mentioned them. I have no idea what you mean.