In Shadowmoon Valley

Doing my LFD Priest and I noticed apart from Ner’zhul himself the whole clan has grey skin? Is this intentional? Would it be more RP conform if I change my Mag’har shaman skin from brown to grey too? What is the right answer here?

I think it has something to do with the emptiness that has changed her skin. Just for comparison, because the banished Shadowmoon Orcs, who want nothing to do with the Void, have brown skin like his wife.

It is somewhat strange that Ner’zhul’s skin is also brown, but most of his clan is not, despite him doing a lot with the Void.

Blizzard probably doesn’t care since there are Blackrock Orcs that have the Dragonmaw skin.

Most of them have gray skin so I would take them.
Or you want to be a Shadowmoon Orc who stays true to his tradition, then brown is the choice


The Shadowmoon Clan were made clowns of in Warlords of Draenor, I’m surprised they weren’t wearing clown make up :crazy_face:

  • I wouldn’t want to RP my Mag’har as a Shadowmoon Orc, given their whole entire clan was made a fool of by a SMALL force of the Alliance – who had sent 5 murder hobos into their seat of power, killed an army of them & taken out their Warchief.

Unless they reflect later on that the Alternate Universe clans had vast differences in their original strengths & the alternate Shadowmoon Clan was ironically a shadow of what ours was.

In all honesty to your thread though:

Each of the clans were meant to have their own respective designs — So Shadowmoon Clan were meant to be close to the Shattered Hand Clan, where they have greyer tones & such.

My RP character is supposed to be shadowmoon since i really don’t like warsong or Frostwolf

Yeah, Frostwolf are kind of boring lol
Warsong … Eh, they could use ‘more’ to their lore & stories of origin; especially towards shamanism.

Bleeding Hollow is my personal favourite :muscle: :triumph:
Then probably the Laughing Skull & Burning Blade.

I’ve always wondered this myself actually. I usually opt for greyish tones if I’m playing a Shadowmoon Clan Priest since that feels more ‘void-touched’ in my mind than the traditional un-corrupted Brown tone. I’d probably stick with Brown for Shaman though.

I think it can honestly vary. Although, I don’t think it’s ever been explored in-depth either way.

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Good that’s all I wanted to know.

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Like I said, I think it’s greyer tonalities but IIRC there is some light tan ones amongst them – So I don’t think it’ll really matter toooo much …

If I recall, orcs can join other clans should they prove themselves worthy — So it wouldn’t be too far fetched to RP as a Mag’har who was a former X clan but then joined Y clan & proved themselves worthy amongst them. :grin:

So we can agree the grey skin comes from void corruption yes?

No :triumph:
:smirk: Maybe it comes from void blessing, yes? :wink:

It is not a blessing. And I will kill Umbric if he even comes close to Silvermoon.

Well it depends how it’s given, naturally :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The Void is evil by default.

All shadowmoon i saw had brown skin in the dungeon, so i dont know what you mean.

The mobs in the valley I mean. Like they are grey. For some reason.

I think, that you should not take this much concern about the skin colors of the orcs in warlord of draenor, because a lot clearly have mistakes, like these from balckrock foundry :

No one ever noticed that these are green orcs? lul

While there have been some Shadowmoon orcs depicted with grey skin, to say “all” have it is just simply inaccurate. Especially in the Shadowmoon Burial Grounds.
All of the Shadowmoon orcs in SBG are brown skinned.
As are all but five of their named NPCs.
All in all, neither grey nor brown is the 100% correct answer and both are as fair to use.

Tsk tsk tsk, you non believer – You simply have not seen the light … Er, shadow :eyes:
The HAPPY shadow. :joy: The void that is kind & good, which the Naaru of the light do not want you to know about :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

No. And never will.

And you call your orc one of the Shadowmoon Clan … :unamused: Hmmph’