In other news, Apple released $600 headphones

The same people that buy Apple products.

Do they also do laundry, or somthing? Why TF is a pair of headphones that much.

The Cult of Apple.

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Well to be fair, there is a point to be made about Apple fanatics. Compared to other tech company fanbases they’re pretty sycophantic.

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My point is that the “Anti Apple” crowd are obsessive and cultish, and there are more of them than truly obsessive Apple fans because the Anti crowd can’t help themselves but to bring up Apple in completely unrelated places, like the wow forums.

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its not even a troll you ignorant fool, The Iphone 12 literally has as much RAM as a 4 year older Samsung. The Samsung S7 came out 4 years ago and has 4 GBs of RAM just like the newest Iphone 12, while the newest Samsung S20 has a whooping 16 GBs of RAM, maybe if you Iphone fans werent so dumb and could do 30 seconds of research on the latest garbage specs that Apple actually puts into their new phones we wouldnt even be having this discussion at all…

New Iphones are literally equivalent to 4 year old Samsungs while costing more than twice of what they ever costed…


There are way more Cult of Apple people. Like I said, with me it’s not even truly about Apple. Like I stated above, I’ve owed and enjoyed Apple products. But man, a lot of Apple fans are looney brand obsessed zombies.

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You can get better headphones than those for MUCH cheaper. Good studio monitor headphones cost between $100-$200. Knowing Apple those are garbage quality too.

This is kind of a mic drop post.

The amount of RAM is pretty meaningless, what matters is how efficient the system uses it. If an iPhone can use less RAM but still work as well then that’s just fine. And, in testing, iPhones generally beat the pants off of the same-year and same-cost phones.

You can cherry-pick numbers like amount of RAM to fit your narrative but that’s just trolling if you don’t consider real-world performance and usability.

My iPhones that last me for 3-5 years and my 2012 MacBook that still runs the new OS perfectly without issue would like to say otherwise.

I don’t buy new phones every year. I see no reason for this. I only buy them when an accident happens and they’re just old by that point, or Apple decides that the chip in my old one is too old for their new iOS. So I went from a 3G to a 4S (I dropped the 3 one too many times) to a 6S to an 11.

So 3 years between the 3G and 4S… 5 years between the 4S and the 6S (because I didn’t pick it up till the 7 came out)… and then 4 years between the 6S and the 11. Which would have gone longer, but a minor car accident cracked the front of the glass.

Looks at $600 pair of Sony headphones on desk

In the real world though, this doesn’t pan out. If you stop going to forums where nerds argue back and forth about phones, you’ll see that there arent as many “Apple Cultists” as people keep saying there are.

Its like that whole with with Vegans. It’s 98% people who bring up the meme of “vegans will always tell you they are vegan”. I literally never see anyone tell me out of the blue that they are vegan.

These are memes or fictions that people keep repeating over and over for some reason.

Don’t get me started on Sony fans. The PlayStation people are almost as bad as the Cult of Apple people.

Well, I think you’re wrong about this one, but let’s agree to disagree. I’m off of work now. :slight_smile: You seem like a good guy. Have a good day.

Just as an FYI: I worked for Apple and never drank the Kool-Aid. Not everyone that likes Apple is automatically in the Cult.


Yes and no, I will say that imo, iOS is superior to Android OS. It operates much smoother and is very intuitive. But it is also true that Apple skimps on the hardware because they know this fact.

Apple can charge more for their phones because they are easier to use despite not necessarily having the hardware to match the price. That’s my main gripe with Apple. They could and should charge less, but they won’t because their name is so big. And people will buy their overpriced devices because of the name attached.

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you continuing to speak just proves everyone’s point about how dumb and blatantly ignorant iphone users are and how they will always continue to buy their latest products regardless how how bad and overpriced their phones are compared to the competition.

In fact, most Apple users are not in the “cult”. Just like many Sony users, Ford users, Google users…

Wow…just wow…