In other news, Apple released $600 headphones

That’s because the Apple Store guys are used to the Apple fanatics buying a new device every time one comes out. Not only that, but they push the new devices on people and Apple intentionally pushes out software to make older phones run worse than needed, in order to entice customers to upgrade.

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I’d love to buy them if they were half that. But my Airpod Pros were spendy enough. Even Apple fans have limits. And in my neighborhood these are just a big flashing sign that says MUG ME!

They were slowing down old phones with old batteries. You can toggle that off. Seriously. Replace the battery and the speed gains are fixed. Apple software supports phones for five years. The average android phone is lucky to be supported for eighteen months.


Are the pros awesome? Worth it over the basic airpods?

Asking for a friend

I’m sure they are. But for $500 they can keep them. And I’m way into the Apple ecosystem. This is too damn much for headphones.

These headphones look awesome. Just wondering how good they are compared to Bose’s QuietComfort 35 2 that cost $299.99.

YEA i like oranges better apple sucks :stuck_out_tongue:

If apple would allow users to change their own batteries i might consider switching to the fruit-side.

Everything else about them looks OK, but every single iphone user i know is looking for a charger before lunchtime.

Its actually ridiculous that 2 year old, 800$ devices are barely usable and require service. And it only seems to be an apple problem.

My AirPods Pro are pretty good tbh.

I bought a Mac Book pro for 2k years ago and it just slowly fell apart and was dead a little over one year later. First, the dvd drive stopped working, next the keyboard ,next the screen. I had to hook up all these extras externally just to use it and finally the power button stopped working. Would no longer turn on. It was crazy, I took damn good care of it too. That was my first and last experience with an Apple product. Their other products might be great but I am not wasting the money to find out.

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You can toggle it off, yes… My issue with it is the secrecy about it being done at all. And the courts agreed with that assessment.

Don’t get me wrong, I do enjoy the Apple products I have, but I’m far from an Apple fangirl and the secretly slowing down older phones is one of the reasons. I’m also super bummed they’re no longer making small iPods, the kind of which I’m literally never without because I live on music. I have four iPod Nanos I’ll have to make last as long as possible.

But, back to Apple products not being “garbage” one of those Nanos is a first gen one. It’s battery is completely shot, but it doesn’t need one to be my “car iPod” since it runs off the car when plugged in there. LOL :slight_smile:

(Off topic, if anyone knows somewhere which can replace old iPod batteries, I want to hear about exactly where please. :slight_smile: …Back to not being an Apple fangirl, Apple won’t even let me PAY them to replace the damn iPod batteries, but they would LOVE to sell me a super expensive new, larger one. :expressionless: But there has to be a way.)

You mean the software that keeps an older phone alive while the battery is close to failing? How dare they keep phones from crashing unexpectedly??

The only thing they did wrong there was to not inform the user well enough. If they put up an alert that said, “We’re throttling your phone because the battery is failing.” then they would have had a better reaction from people.

That’s been fixed, by the way. Now you get an alert and you can see the health of the battery any time you want.

That is utterly insane.

Also no idea why this topic was flagged.

I would not consider myself anti apple… but I see their products as “designer” technology and really any over priced designer crap, whether its headphones, sneakers or a purse makes me laugh. :hugs:

I mean.

I hate Apple.

But I have also been using one of their phones for the past two years and am eagerly awaiting getting rid of the overpriced and overhyped piece of garbage.

I strongly resent a product that incessantly asks me if I am sure I want x setting set to y no matter how many times I tell it yes.

Stop babysitting me.

Also iMessage is hot garbage that randomly stops working for certain recipients. How is that a bug? I’ve never had a phone OS that straight up loses messages.

Because it was posted in the incorrect forum. Should have been paying more attention. Lol. Hope it gets moved but knowing the mods they’ll just ban away.

I think the issue is more that Apple hid this fact for a long time, the throttling tended to coincide with new releases so they would benefit from it financially, and it only came to light after a huge investigation and they got slapped with lawsuits and fines in multiple countries.

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Obviously I don’t know about audio quality between the two but some bullet points:

Bose’s QuietComfort 35 II vs Apple AirPod Max

QuietComfort AirPod Max
1 removable boom mic (only works wired), 2 NC 9 microphones (7 for NC, 1 voice, 2 shared)
Noise Canceling NC and Transparency mode
Bluetooth 4.2 Bluetooth 5.0
Stereo Spatial Audio with head tracking
20 hours wireless 20 hours wireless
Black, Rose Gold, Silver Silver, Gray, Blue, Pink, Green
Non-replaceable ear cups Magnetic ear cups
$349 MSRP $549 MSRP

Even if the audio quality is the same there are extra features on the AirPod Max. Is it worth the price? Maybe so, maybe not but you definitely get more for the extra money.

And what’s with the boom mic only working in wired mode? That’s…odd. So you can’t use the microphone while walking around the house, just when you are sitting at the computer.

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Thats just you. You dont get to say what everyone else is.

I agree they should have been upfront with it from the beginning and given the user more information about what was going on. Did they hide it? I’m not sure, it could have just been an oversight but it was certainly a bad move.

“never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity” – Hanlon’s razor

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