In Nazjatar (I Will Kill You)

Haha. Such a hypocritical mindset. Aren’t you making excuses not to pay when you lost ?

I mean objectively you are a failure since you originally stated you wanted to some “free tokens” but that didn’t work out and now you won’t even honor your commitment AND are calling out others to duel you…

This is hilarious almost spit up my diet cola :slight_smile:

Most people who drink diet coke are fat.

But… that wasn’t the original agreement there, littlefinger :wink:

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5.10, 182 pounds. Ben Stone: “relevance?”

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Sure I’ll duel you. I’m out at the moment at my son’s dentist appointment, so it will have to be after. I will whisper you as I don’t want peeps like you on my friend’s list. You lost a 1v1 in the open world not a 5v1. #paytheman


Anyhow my btag is in here, if you wanna have a duel without using items and other crap then feel free to send a request. If you wanna pretend that using a 203k potion is skillful then please don’t bother.

If you wanna be like this guy and try to play whisper tag don’t bother. You’ve been told how to reach me.

Ok ok, we have some progress here in the common sense department :slight_smile:

NOW you want some rules and whatever since you decided you will not be able to compete under those circumstances…

Cool story bro… now #paytheman :slight_smile:

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Bud I have a well geared belf and all you have to do is invite to group. I don’t add anyone with your attitude or ego to my btag list.


Okay you want a fair duel? My main is a destro lock as well my Ilvl is 454 doesn’t get more fair than that. I’ll hit you up tonight or tomorrow my offer: A duel for 5 WoW tokens. Rules will be explained in game.


I will come loaded with every buff and pot known in the world of Warcraft…if I knew anything about toys I’d use those too…

I want to duel this guy too.


I would give anything to see the Goblin duel our old friend Alponso. As Nomak said there is no one who knew more about all kinds of toys and tricks in the game than him.

Some may remember his infamous duel with a loud mouthed DK outside Orgi where he used some kind of cannon to shoot himself up to the top of a building to drink :joy::joy::joy:

The QQ from the DK then was as entertaining as the one from the Goblin now


I think any decent person would probably own up to when they’ve been beaten, multiple times, maybe even apologize for talking all that trash and getting put in your place but you still have this ego and it completely baffles me you won’t even accept the fact you got dunked on multiples times, and your excuse is because a consumable was used? in world pvp? noooooooooooooo…


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I think that somewhat covers your hypocrisy in this thread.


I can’t wait for my $100 worth of WoW tokens.


Lol imagine losing a duel to someone who kicks fire spells and all the other things he did wrong 3 times in a row. Then you see he’s using pots and you run right back in to fight him without yours.

Big yikes from me doggo lol



I was looking for a partner as most of my friends at the time were at work. And when I attempted to find one you tried killing me and lost really badly.

On the topic of the first fight if you notice I still had teleport and my punch. Could have just kited away healed back up and finished you.


I don’t think I have ever seen someone so upset about losing a duel in wpvp as a certain someone in this thread lmao

maladath deserves the token and more just for the entertainment from these threads lol


Disable, kul tiran punch, teleport, fsk spam heal.


Nothing beats owning someone who talks in absolutes… :slight_smile: This thread actually made my day; thank you for being one of the catalysts !


I just looked at Maladath’s armory. He has trinket + helm + HoA heal procs that could easily add up to 200k+ burst heal.

(I don’t see why using a potion in wpvp is “cheating”, but tbh I don’t think you’ve even shown that he used a potion. You lost, pay the man!)