Yesterday we lost a loved one, Josh (aka) Epic Insanity, he was a Guild Master, a Raid leader, a content creator, and above all he was a friend to everyone he met. I met Epic back in 2012 through content creation and raiding in World of Warcraft, He was the head host of the podcast show Epic Questions. I remember joining him as a personality on his show as a guest up until we decided to co-host the show and then Later launch a new podcast Frozen Nerdz. Through this time, we podcasted together raided together and even went to Blizzcon together. It wasn’t until getting to see him at Blizzcon that our partnership as show hosts became a strong friendship that has lasted 9 years but yesterday August 27th 2021 my friend passed away unexpectedly.
Epic was a larger-than-life person the first to see you in a room and run over to give you a tremendous hug right into his giant beard. He looked out for the people in the community and would even look out for new Blizzcon goers and encourage them to drink water from when they drank too much. He would fill the whole room with his presence and would welcome everyone in as if they had been his friend for years. People would come out of their way just to give him a hug or touch his beard. I know our community has not always had its bright moments but Epic embodied what makes this community great. We will never be able to fill the void that is left in our hearts by his passing as those moments we cherished as fans just won’t be the same without him. From the big elbows during opening ceremony to say hey are you seeing what I’m seeing, to the greatest smelling beard there ever has been, to the raids that will go unled with a focus and determination to complete the content while the rest of us are goofing off in voice chat.
I have so many wonderful stories about Epic through so many years. all of them centered here in World of Warcraft and Blizzard Games, I wanted to write this forum post as a place for his other countless friends and people he impacted to come and share their thoughts stories about Epic or even just say their goodbye. I am struggling as others are to come to terms with the loss of someone so young, know that he believed in this community with his whole heart and gave it everything he had.
Please if you ever had a chance to interact with Epic online, on social media, or even at Blizzcon share your positive stories so that our memories of him can las on this forum at the very least. I know Epic devoted his entire heart into this game and he had a love for this community unlike anyone I have met or will ever meet.
I’m very sorry for your loss and I hope wherever he is he’s in a better place now. He’ll live on in the hearts of you and his other loved ones. 
I never meet him in person but only talk thru the internet/twitter. He was a kind, sweet, awesome person. I still think of him as a friend. I wish I got to meet him in person. I love listening to him tweet about wow and beard stuff. RIP Epic/Josh. <3
I had some of the most fun times at raid while we were in RA together with Epic at the helm. He was really the first one to learn my name but still insisted on just calling me either yellow or mint. You will be missed Epic, WoW wont be the same without you man.
I can’t remember if it was Blizzcon '11 or '12 when I first met Josh. I had followed him on Twitter months prior and checked out his podcast. Could tell right away he was a really solid dude with a huge love for the game. Was also a fellow Wisconsinite, so we had that connection as well.
Think it was the night before the con, and I was walking through the courtyard between the Hilton and the convention center when I spotted him. How could you not recognize the guy with his massive beard and booming voice. I walked towards him and shouted, “Hey, Epic!”
His eyes got really wide, and with utter surprise and humility said, “You know who I am?”
“Of course I know who you are,” and then we chatted with each other for a bit, something that became a little ritual between the two of us at each subsequent year at Blizzcon when we’d inevitably bump into one another at the Hilton. He was such a sweet guy, and his care for the people in the community around him was palpable.
In 2017 I was there with a few guildies, one who was a huge fan of the Frozen Nerdz podcast (unbeknownst to me until that gathering). She asked me if I would be able to introduce her to Josh because she was too nervous to do so her self. That was another thing I hadn’t realized up until that point: how much of an effect he had on members of the community and what an absolute light he was.
Incredibly saddened by his passing. The community was blessed to have a soul like his in our midst.
Rest in peace, dear friend.
I first met Epic on twitter of course, and we followed each other and talked a little. But I remember him most from Blizzcon 14. He gave the BEST hugs imaginable. He was a giant teddy bear in every sense of the word. We stayed up all night until like 2 or 3 in the morning on Saturday night just talking and venting about people that annoyed us at the con. He made me feel like I belonged…one of the few that truly did because up until then, I felt like going was the biggest mistake in my life. This community, this game, this world, isn’t going to be the same without him.
Rest in Power Epic. We’ll miss you more than you know.
I dont know who he is but condolences to OP.
Was it the rona?
Will miss him but remember him forever, he was such a wonderful person to have around us all. I am so glad him and I became friends when we did, and happy and proud of the friendship we shared.
Like many others, I met Epic though Twitter in 2013. That year we got to meet up in person at my first ever BlizzCon. Not long after that, the guild I was in at the time fell apart, and I joined his guild. I went though a lot of very difficult life changes, and Josh was there for me though every one of them. So were you, Kilroy. I know we haven’t talked much as of recently, but most of my memories with Josh are also memories with you too. Every other Blizzcon I went to, meeting up was always first priority when we got to the Hilton. I don’t know that I can ever go again with him gone. I loved listening to you two on the podcast, gaming with you and and your friendship over the years.
Josh’s passing hit me like a ton of bricks. I woke up at 7am to a text message and all of yesterday is a blur aside from the deluge of memories of him and scrolling Twitter as everyone shared their stories with tears in my eyes.
One too many AMF’s and sitting at the fountain outside the Hilton. Passing through his home state on a road trip and meeting up for dinner. Downtown Disney after the CON. Opening ceremony screams of joy. CBTS. AOTC raid achievements. Late night talks.
We had fallen out of touch in the last year. Both of us being too stubborn to reach out after a disagreement that was so insignificant that I don’t even recall what it was. I will regret that until my last day and I hope that when I get to wherever you are now, we can settle that last squabble.
A heart of gold.
A soul of kindness.
A voice of reassurance.
The BEST beard that ever was and always smelled of Christmas morning.
And now, a void that will never be filled.
Rest easy, dear friend.
I didn’t know him but it sucks to lose people. Especially suddenly. I’m really sorry, everyone. Cherish his memory and spread his good name. That’s how we keep their spirit alive.
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We don’t know at this time speaking to the family about it, he had been sick but don’t believe it was covid
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Been raiding with Epic about 5 months, and other than a few late night conversations about our pasts, it was all wow-talk. I was surprised to learn he was into cage fighting at an earlier stage in his life.
We had a great conversation when we were trying to figure out if team Campfire and I would be a good fit. I had been in a series of guilds that kept crumbling away when the core clique became frustrated at the rate of progress. I asked him how he keeps his group together and avoids the dangers of the elitism and cliques. I could tell this was something he deeply cared about; he talked about having M+ nights where there is a random drawing to see which dpsers are grouped with each pairing of tank/healer. He also went out of his way to make sure we had fun things to do together after content got stale towards the end of 9.0, because keeping the group together was so important to him.
I don’t think I’ve seen that kind of old school commitment to fairness and community since I was a baby raider in my classic days, before I really appreciated it.
A few other odds and ends I’ll remember:
- “I’m trayash”
- His irrational hatred of survival hunters
- before every pull “omrite. Lezdoiss” translated - Alright, Let’s do this.
- His advice for bringing a dog into my household
- His pride in our raiding group, commitment to tanking as many M+ dungeons as we were prepared to do to ensure we maximized our vault chances every week
- His absolute refusal to ever kite any mobs because that’s not what tanking is haha
By the way, did anyone ever get the secret sauce on his beard scent? I could probably use some help in that department.
Really sorry for your loss. Sending good thoughts and comfort to you, his family and friends. 
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Texas beard oil company whiskey scents
I’m sorry for your loss.
I hope only for peace in the hearts of those affected.
Sorry to hear about his passing. Hope you guys get through this. 
Sorry to hear your loss. You two have both brought joy to my otherwise bland work days. I know it doesn’t make it easier but at least you have years of recorded memories you can go back and visit when you need a reminder.
We lost someone in a guild I was in after just a day, man that was awkward. More importantly I’ve lost friends IRL and at a fairly young age, high school.
It’s a shame when we lose anyone we care about. I’m currently dealing with a family member who is terminal. There’s a really neat epitaph that I found in the local cemetery that sums it up much as it sucks:
Death is Certain; The Hour Unseen
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