“We’ve tried to be resistant to every class bringing a unique “mandatory” buff that rigidly forces itself, some do, but for others, it’s other types of utility or unique strengths that just make it a natural fit where just, of course you want a Death Knight somewhere for grips because that is just such a valuable tool over the course of a raid as a whole, that having one on your roster makes sense.”
Changing bindingshot to a stun was a mistake. At least it was a very unique utility brought in mythic plus and in raid for add control. Was it strong? A root that doesnt break on damage was a very strong ability, granted I would argue it is very similiar to DK grips and it even maybe fits into the class theme of hunters and traps. If its too strong, make it 1 minute, decrease the root duration by a second…
Nope lets change it into a aoe stun where its worse than any on demand aoe stun like shockwave, or the one DH has.
Worst AoE stun in the game, Hi-Explosive Trap is just a worse Thunderstorm, Cheetah has an insane 3 minute cooldown, Tar Trap compared to Earth Binding totem is hilarious
Wow, it’s like Hunter is actually a technical class that doesn’t play itself automatically when you push some buttons. While this doesn’t necessarily give merit to Hunters for raid invites, it would seem that we can outsource the other DPS roles to damage bots that can handle the rudimentary work of applying CC and other utility.
This is absolutely the most lukewarm take I have ever seen in my entire life. I apologize for being brutish on this but your assumption that hunter is good and that it just requires us to be skilled doesn’t fly. This is not a skill issue problem. It is a data problem. Please see below.
Hunter is bad currently because it’s baseline tree and spec tree are outdated and extremely restricting compared to other specs(Please see comments about multi shot requiring 3 talent points baseline and survival having 7 “increase damage of x”). AND THEN even after that it brings nothing comparable to raid to warrant it being there.
I cannot stress this enough. It is not bad because hunters are a technical class and we (AS AN ENTIRE COLLECTIVE HUNTER PLAYERBASE) just have to hit buttons well enough to make it work.
Hey. I didn’t say it was good. I only said it could be worse lol. It’s only unfortunate that Blizz will punish botters; otherwise we’d have bots handle our rotations and skate on by…
Right now, the options that could be completed are vast but nothing is being done. Hunter does not need to be restrictive in nature in ANY WAY. It just straight up needs some actual thoughtful TLC regarding its base talent tree and some of the spec interactions( Such as the aforementioned multi shot problems for BM).
Thanks, but I didn’t consider it harsh. Harsh is what happened in the other thread. You’re right: no restrictions. They are liabilities instead of assets.
With it being a stun it can now once again actually interupt casting. I dont remember if it was bfa or shadowlands but they made biding shot no longer interupt casting. As a stun it can. As long as the tank actually engages the 5 yards. However even with a text macro litteraly telling them to move the pack to bind 9/10 times they never do. Another issue with the playerbase zug zerging it up.
The problem being that the mobs have to move out of the binding shot to be stunned, and caster mobs don’t move while they’re casting. So you have to devote movement displacement to make binding shot stun casters or just use any other AoE stun in the game that functions on its own
Yea thats why i said, “As long as the tank engages the bind”. A few sentences later in my post. But sure use wailing arrow. However this was a post the OP was talking about binding shot specifically and reverting it to the root vs stun. Either way the targets had to be pulled. Except now it once again CAN interupt vs it previously could not.
Binding shot should just be a stun. Like all hunter utility, the extra steps to trigger the stun just makes the ability awkward, and unless you have a push or knockback, casters that can’t be interrupted will just ignore it completely.
You didn’t read what I said. Caster mobs don’t move when they are casting. You said it can interrupt casting. That is not the case unless the mobs are moved out of the bind…and they don’t move while they’re casting. It was better as a root that didn’t apply DR.
Melee mobs also have physical casts that can only be interupted by physical ints like stuns. Hunters base int does not int a physical cast. However bind will now. Yes i did read it. Also you can los ranged mobs to get them to move into the bind or as you mentioned use a knockback.
Yea but we arent talking about anything else in the game. We are talking binding shot being a root vs a stun. As a root no int. As a stun possible int. Also being stunned serves as a root. Just a few seconds less. Im all for it if you want to restore legion binding shot.
You can los the pack. It will enage the bind. Hunters could also spec a knockback if your worried about it but other classes also have one. Thats 1 extra step. Hunters also have wailing arrow if they want. Aoe silence.
Disagreed. The post is all about unique utility related spells that classes can bring. Another AOE stun isnt it. It has its huge advantages as a aoe stun, but at that point it will be compared to other aoe stuns in the game.
As an unique unbreakable aoe root, it was its own unique utility spell. Mythic Sylvanus used hunter binds where other classes cannot use roots. AOE stuns also have big diminishing returns with other stuns. Before M+ necrotic was removed, hunter root was a useful ability to reset tank stacks.
Currently, I would rather take scatter shot as my choice node talent to interrupt those unsilenceable casts every 30 seconds than the WEAKEST aoe stun in the game. ALso during cluntch times, freezing trap can also interrupt…
Not to mention that for AoE stuns, Shadowfury requires a cast time and Capacitor Totem has its own cast time after casting. Binding Shot is instant-cast and it will work where it is aimed. If a Shaman doesn’t correctly place the totem or if a Warlock doesn’t place the aiming circle before the cast, the target could flee away from the effect.
AoE stuns do seem to be balanced on principle of “time on target”.