In-Game Toxicity Against 12-Month Sub Players

Jealousy plain and simple.

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Makes perfect sense and is in-line with the post above me!

The community has gotten more and more toxic about the dumbest s$%^. One bad apple has spoiled more and more of the bunch until it’s become a black orchard.

People will whine and moan about sub mounts but your RMT mounts get a pass (TCG, blatantly raid carried, whatever the case may be). I just can’t imagine caring that much in the token era.

Very good point! We’re supposed to worship the Feldrake owners as if they’re gods, but a free mount with a sub gets us a /spit

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I’m against them simply because you have to pay to get them I already pay a subscription to play I shouldn’t have to pay to get a cool mount like that but at the same time I’m not gonna be toxic to someone who does get it that’s your choice I just wish you could get them without paying like add them to dungeons or something and give them a ridiculously low drop chance but that’s just my opinion but certainly nobody should be flamed for buying it

I’m also a 12 month mount owner and you dont deserve it for having the mount, you deserve it for publicly whining about some words someone said to you in a video game. Get over yourself and just block them and move on.

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They should add them to vendors. That way I won’t need to buy a wow token with gold to buy store cosmetics.

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I am not sure about spending on a 12 month subscription if I am looking at buying a 600$ xbox ( actually we will need 2) in July and get stuck for a few weeks unable to play my paid for subscription till amazon sends my xboxes. I would rather wait till march and see if we are still on PCs at that point

And furthermore, a special edition Xbox with a horde symbol on front might be a good shop item instead of a 4oo$ chair, but that is just my preference I reckon

Maybe stop trying to alienate people for being different? It is extremely rude to tell someone “hope you can’t pay your electric bill”. It is unnecessary to make those comments. Also, stop victimizing people and then they wouldn’t feel the need to express their angst caused from stupid and irrelevant comments made by jealous jerks in game.

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This made me lol. Gotem.

To be fair, I plan on playing WoW a lot longer than 12 months so if I can save money while getting extra stuff, like that cool murloc, then I’ll do it and I won’t let what anyone bring me down. I’ll make my Grrloc smash them! >:D

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Yeah… no. TCG mount owners are equally worthy of derision.

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Never. Ever. Will. I Accept. Unfairness.

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Unfortunately, acceptance isn’t necessary.

Sounds like a you problem, rather than a community problem.