In-Game Mail Report

Has something with this system changed? A month or two ago, I got sent an in-game mail advertisement. (Not an in-game gold one, one that directed me to a website to buy gold).

I’ve had them in the past, where I reported it through the mailbox report feature, and after doing that, the message disappeared and never returned.

However, when I did it this time, the message popped back up a few days later. I ended up doing it two more times, and the message came back both times. Neither time did the name of the character disappear. (I know from personal experience from deleting alts I sent stuff to my main from that if a character is deleted, the name will show Unknown, which just confused me more.)

At that point, I decided to ignore it, I deleted the message. However, it’s still nagged me. Should I have opened a ticket to report the person? Or did Blizzard simply change how the in-game mail report system works, and no longer permanently deletes the mail from the person who reported it, and pops it back into their inbox after the report is dealt with? (Which seems counter productive, but ???)

And no, I don’t want to know what happened with that incident, lol. I’m just curious if the system has changed, or if it hasn’t and the mail comes back, should a ticket should be opened instead?

Oddly enough, I’ve have the opposite experience. When the mail is reported as spam the player is placed on a temporary ignore that hides their communication for that game session.

I’ll make some inquiries, but for now if you have reported it once, that should be enough and you should be fine to delete it if it pops up a second time.

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